Welcome to the European Union website in Cabo Verde. 

Thank you for your interest in EU matters and in our relationship with the Republic of Cabo Verde. We hope you will find all the information you need on this platform. 

  • Image
    Carla Grijó, EU Ambassador

    Ambassador of the European Union to Cabo Verde, Carla Grijó.

    Copyright: EUinCaboVerde.

Message from the Ambassador

Welcome to the website of the European Union in Cabo Verde. 

Thank you for your interest in EU matters and in our relationship with the Republic of Cabo Verde. We hope you will find all the information you need on this platform. 

The EU Delegation in Cabo Verde depends on the European External Action Service. We are one of the over 140 diplomatic representations of the European Union spread throughout the world. 

This page aims at informing visitors about the role of the European Union in Cabo Verde and in the world. Here you can find information on relations between the European Union and Cabo Verde.  

Cabo Verde is a special partner for the European Union. We have a long-standing relationship and have worked together in a committed and continuous way since 1976. Almost all areas and sectors are covered by our cooperation, with a concrete and evident impact on the well-being of citizens and on the development of the country. 

More information:  
Phone: +238 262 13 92; 262 13 93 e 262 13 94 
E-mail: delegation-cabo-verde@eeas.europa.eu
Facebook: UE em Cabo Verde 
Instagram: ueemcv 
Twitter: EUinCV 

Carla Grijó, Ambassador of the European Union to Cabo Verde.