Thanks to the Schengen Agreement, which is an integral part of European law, there are no longer any border controls between 22 EU countries. The agreement abolishes all internal border controls, but establishes controls at the Union's external borders and a common visa policy.


The border-free Schengen Area guarantees free movement to more than 400 million EU citizens, along with non-EU nationals living in the EU or visiting the EU as tourists, exchange students or for business purposes (anyone legally present in the EU)

Free movement of persons enables every EU citizen to travel, work and live in an EU country without special formalities. Schengen underpins this freedom by enabling citizens to move around the Schengen Area without being subject to border checks.

Today, the Schengen Area encompasses most EU countries, except for Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland and Romania. However, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania are currently in the process of joining the Schengen Area and already applying the Schengen acquis to a large extent. Additionally, also the non-EU States Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein have joined the Schengen Area.

List of Schengen area states: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Swiss, Czechia.

If your visa was issued by a country that fully applies the Schengen Agreement, you can use it to travel to other countries in the Schengen area. In addition, a valid residence permit issued by one of these countries is equivalent to a visa. You may need a national visa to travel to countries outside the Schengen area.

At border posts in EU countries, you may be asked to present other documents, such as an invitation letter, a welcome certificate or a return ticket. Contact the consular services of the country concerned for the exact conditions.

Remember to take your travel, health and auto insurance documents with you.

EU member states in Burkina Faso

The member states of the European Union are represented in Burkina Faso by embassies, consulates and cooperation offices. Some are represented by other member states through headquarters agreements. The member states present in Burkina Faso are: Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, The Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Luxembourg.


List of EU Embassies / Member States in Burkina Faso


Address: 01 B.P. 600, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso.
Street: 14 Rue Kafando Romuald, La Rotonde, Ouagadougou.
Telephone: +226 25 30 67 31,
+226 25 30 67 32



Address: 01 BP 106 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Sector 13, Zogona district
Street 13.15, Door No 131
Telephone: (+226) 25 36 07 49


Address: 01 BOX 1624
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso

Street: 417 Avenue Kwamné N'Krumah
Telephone: +226 25 31 21 64 / +226 25 31 21 65


Address: 316, Avenue Pr. Joseph KI-ZERBO01 BP 1760, Ouagadougou 01.
Telephone: +226 25 32 85 40.


Address: BP 504, Ouagadougou 01
Rue de l'Hospitalité, -Quartier Koulouba- (about 100m from the Prime Minister's office) Visitors entrance - opposite RTB-Télévisons
Telephone: (+226) 25 49 66 66


Address: Ouaga 2000
Telephone: 25 34 00 02


Address: 11 B.P. 1609 CMS Ouagadougou 11 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
Street: 937, Avenue Kwamé N’Krumah
Telephone: (+226)


Address: Avenue du Professeur Joseph Ki-Zerbo 316/01 BP 5542 Ouagadougou 01
Phone: +226 64801629 / +226 54755779


Address: 11 BP 755, CMS Ouagadougou 11 Burkina Faso / 187, Avenue de l'Europe
Telephone: +226 25 49 61 70

To study

Erasmus + is the European Union's program for education, training, youth and sport.

Between 2014 and 2020, it provides opportunities for four million people to study, train and gain life experience abroad. Erasmus + replaces a number of older programs, including an international exchange program called Erasmus Mundus.

You can consult the Resources section of the Erasmus + web portal for tools and main documents for applicants.