Ms. Sylvia Hartleif, of German nationality, graduated from Harvard University in Boston (United States), after obtaining a law degree in Germany. She worked for more than 15 years in the German Parliament on foreign relations, international security and arms control before being from 2015 to 2020, Head of the Foreign and Security Policy Team to the Strategic Foresight Unit to the President of the European Commission. In October 2020, she was appointed Ambassador of the European Union to Benin. 

Ms. Sylvia Hartleif speaks German, French, English and Spanish. 

  • Image
    Sylvia HARTLEIF   Ambassador, Head of the Delegation

    H.E Sylvia Hartlif, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Benin. 

    Copyright: Del_benin 

Message from the Ambassador

Welcome to the website of the Delegation of the European Union to Benin

Dear visitors,  

Bonne arrivée, kwabo!   

It is your first point of contact for information relating to the European Union (EU) and its activities and programs in Benin.  

Cooperation between the EU and Benin cannot be summarized in this section. I, therefore, encourage you to explore the Website, as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages and our Instagram and YouTube accounts to learn more about EU-Benin relations. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

I wish you a good virtual walk.  


Sylvia Hartleif, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Benin.