Malgorzata Wasilewska was appointed EU Ambassador to Barbados in 2020. She previously served as Ambassador of the European Union to Jamaica, Belize, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the Cayman Islands. Prior to that Ambassador Wasilewska was Head of Division for Conflict Prevention, Peace and Mediation at the Security Policy Directorate. In this capacity, she led a team responsible for focusing the EU's work on conflict prevention and peace-building, providing mediation support to the EU Special Representative and Delegations, running the EU's Early Warning System for violent Conflict. She was also Head of Division for Elections and Democracy Support in the European External Action Service where she managed Electoral Observation Missions to many African countries and some in South America.

Before joining the European Union, Ambassador Wasilewska worked as a senior specialist at Amnesty International, where she specialised in organizational transition and growth, human rights, conflict sensitive development, post-conflict democracy building and non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

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    Picture of HoD Barbados Malgorzata Wasilewska

HoD Website Welcome

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the website of the Delegation of the European Union to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM. Our Delegation represents the European Union in ten countries and territories in the region. These are Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Montserrat, Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands. The Delegation is also accredited to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM).

In having this web presence, our hope is to bring to you as much information as possible on the European Union and our long-standing relationship with the countries of the Eastern Caribbean to which the Delegation is accredited, and more generally with the wider Caribbean Region.

Over the years we have built a strong partnership with the countries of the Eastern Caribbean with whom we are bound in a joint effort of development co-operation. This effort has been underpinned by the Cotonou Agreement which is aimed at improving the conditions of life of the populations in the beneficiary countries through sustainable programmes.

In the context of the EU Lisbon Treaty the Delegation has assumed the role of representing, coordinating and negotiating on behalf of the European Union through the European External Action Service. This is aimed at increasing coherence of action of the European Union in all aspects of its external dimension.

I hope this website will help bring closer to the general public the vast co-operation programme that has made the European Union the largest grant aid development partner in the region.

Additionally, on this website you will find many interesting links to the vast European Union website Europa and the websites of many of the European Union's Member States, all providing rich sources of information.

Malgorzata Wasilewska

Head of Delegation