
Conference information

On 16 September 2013, the Somalia New Deal Conference, co-hosted by the European Union and Somalia, has been held in Brussels where the international community and Somalia endorsed the Somali Compact, pledged support to enable its implementation and re-commit to the Somali political process.

The Communiqué

The Somali Compact

Announced Pledges


"Somalia is working hard to build a peaceful society. All those with a stake in global peace and stability have committed to support Somalia to achieve this goal. This is what a New Deal for Somalia is about", commented Minister Christian Friis Bach, co-Chair of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding after the Conference.

17 September 2013


Ku-meel gaarkii Somaliya ee siddeeda sannadood waxa uu dhammaaday Sebteembar 2012, iyadoo si nabadgalyo ah awoodii looga wareejiyay hoggaamiyihii Dawladda Federaalka Ku-meel gaarka ah laguna wareejiyay Dawlad Federaal ah oo Cusub. Dastuurka Ku-meel gaar ah, ee meel la isla dhigay Ogosto, waxa uu dhabbaha u xaaray dib u dhiska iyo adkaynta dawlad federaal ah, oo cusub dhammaadka 2016, marka ay tahay inay dhacaan doorashooyinka guud. Marka loo eego caqabadaha hortaagan wali horumarinta xaalada ammaanka aan lugo adag ku taagnayn, dawlada Federaalka Somaliya ee cusub waxa ay ka shaqaysay hirgalinta dawlad federaal ah oo shaqaynaysa taasi oo afjari doonta sannado ahaa dawlado ku-meel gaar ah horseedana nidaam siyaasadeed oo buuxa.

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Somalia's eight-year transition ended in September 2012, with the peaceful handover of power from the leadership of the Transitional Federal Institutions to a new Federal Government. A Provisional Constitution, in place since August 2012, paves the way for the re-building and consolidation of new, representative federal institutions by the end of 2016, when popular elections are due. Against the backdrop of an improving yet fragile security situation, the new Federal Institutions of Somalia are tasked with establishing a viable federal state that will end years of transitional governance and usher in a permanent political order.

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