Water for Peace in Northeast Syria: conflict, water access and the role of humanitarian actors


Organiser: Un Ponte Per ETS

“Water has always been scarce in Syria, but it has always been available. In Northeast Syria (NES) in particular, people have long benefited from the Euphrates River, from groundwater, and higher rainfall levels at the northern border. However, in recent years, all of these resources are in decline” (Reach, Jul. 2023).

The ongoing armed conflict, together with climate change effects, have heavily impacted the access to water of over 1.8 million people living in Northeast Syria, with severe humanitarian consequences. The side event aims to present the current humanitarian situation related to water scarcity, focusing on Hasakeh Governorate and the case of Alouk Water Station as the possibility of transforming water to foster peace.

Beyond its direct impact on human life, the use of water as a weapon wreaks havoc the environment, exacerbating ecological crises and preserving cycles of poverty and instability. From the drying of rivers and depletion of aquifers to the contamination of water sources with toxins and pollutants, the scars of water warfare run deep, leaving a legacy of destruction that will endure for generations to come. How can humanitarian actors and the international community play a role in reverting such a situation and fostering peace and stability? In line with the 2024 UN campaign “Water for Peace”, this side event focuses on the nexus between water and peace, by advocating the re-opening of Alouk water station in Northeast Syria to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs.


  • 2:00-2:10 PM: Opening and introduction (Un Ponte Per ETS)
  • 2:10-2:25PM: NES Forum Director – Context update and impact on water resources.
  • 2:25-2:35PM: Humanitarian and Development Cooperation (NES NGO) - Humanitarian impact of water scarcity on population living in Northeast Syria.
  • 2:35-2:45PM: Solidarités International -  Cross-border dependency: Access to water in NES and the case of Alouk water station.
  • 2:45-2:55PM: Kasiyen Kesk / Green Tress (NES NGO) - Water between war and peace: environmental impact in Norther Syria.
  • 2:55-3:10PM: NES Forum Water Scarcity Task Force – Water scarcity and the humanitarian response in Northeast Syria, analysis and possible solutions.
  • 3:10-4:00PM: Open interventions / Q&A


  1. Robyn Savage, NES Forum, Director.
  2. Bilind Mella, Humanitarian and Development Cooperation (HDC), Director.
  3. Colin Rehel, Solidarités International, Country Director.
  4. Ziwer Cheko, Green Tress, Spoke person.
  5. Nadine al-Najar, NES Forum Water Scarcity Task Force, Chair.
02:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Online event