The right to freedom of religion or belief includes the freedom to change one's own religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest one's own religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Religious intolerance and discrimination often underlies and precedes conflict. In line with the EU guidelines on freedom of religion or belief, the EU is committed to promote and protect FORB for all. The EU condemns persecution, discrimination and violence against persons belonging to religious minorities and communities, while defending the right for individuals to manifest their religion or belief, to change or leave a religion or belief.

Both in its bilateral action and in multilateral fora, the EU raises concerns for the criminalization of apostasy and blasphemy, as well as legislation that hinders official registration for religious groups.

The EU is committed to prevent intra and inter-faith violence, and to promote interfaith dialogue. Some key initiatives such as the community-based initiative Global exchange on religion in society facilitates the exchange of positive examples of inter-religious coexistence to counter the polarizing narrative of a clash of civilizations that often dominates today. It aims to empower key actors in fostering social inclusion in their societies.