Ambassador Manuel Müller is a staunch advocate of gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment. Before his assignment in Sierra Leone, he has been German Ambassador to South Sudan, and Deputy Head of Division for Sahel, West and Central Africa at the German Foreign Office. He has also been assigned to the German Embassies in Bolivia, Ukraine and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He holds a Master of Arts in Political Sciences from the University of Trier in Germany. 

  • Image
    Manuel Müller, Head of the EU Delegation to Sierra Leone.

    Manuel Müller, Head of the EU Delegation to Sierra Leone.

Message from the Ambassador

Dear visitors of our webpage,

It gives me a pleasure to welcome you to the virtual presence of the European Union Delegation in Freetown.

The European Union (EU) is a longstanding and committed partner of Sierra Leone. The European Union and Sierra Leone have built a partnership based on shared values, including peace, democracy, governance and human rights.

The EU is a strong and reliable political and development partner of Sierra Leone, encouraging and supporting consolidation and progress on peace, stability and democracy (including electoral support), governance, human rights, gender equality and women empowerment and participation, inclusive economic growth and development, sustainable management of natural resources and environmental protection.

At the annual high-level Political Dialogue between the European Union, EU Member States and the Government of Sierra Leone, we continue to deepen our partnership and address different issues of mutual interest.

In December 2021, the European Union adopted the Multi-Annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for its partnership and cooperation with Sierra Leone for the period 2021-2027. In line with the new partnership approach, the mobilisation of resources will be staged. The EU indicatively commits EUR 245 million for the period 2021-2024. The EU programming is aligned with the Medium-term National Development Plan (MTNDP), the Government’s development agenda for the period 2019– 2023.

The EU’s partnership and cooperation priority areas focus on the following areas, all closely interrelated:

- Green Economy: fostering the creation of decent jobs, as well as sustainable, inclusive, green economic transformation. Increasing access to modern, sustainable, affordable and reliable energy for jobs and growth; developing sustainable, employment-oriented agriculture and fisheries food systems for health and nutrition. Supporting sustainable management and protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and biodiversity.

- Human Development for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives. Investing in Basic and Secondary Education and TVET. Improving the quality literacy and numeracy, skills and qualifications of the population. Enhancing Social Protection, to reduce vulnerabilities and sustain growth.

- Democratic and Inclusive Governance and Human Rights. Supporting peaceful, inclusive, transparent and credible elections. Supporting Government’s effectiveness and public service delivery at national and local level. Targeting also economic governance to underpin sustainable economic and social policies by strengthening public finance management, transparency and domestic resources mobilisation. Improving the business and investment climate.

Gender equality and women empowerment remain a cross-cutting, horizontal priority of the EU partnership and cooperation with Sierra Leone. The EU continues to support the work of civil society organizations in the country.

The EU Delegation and the EU member states build “Team Europe” and we act together in Sierra Leone.

We invite you to discover our web presence and to follow us on Facebook or on Twitter.

I go want for assure you say EU en Salone go continue for woke together for make de kontri go bifo.


Manuel Müller
