In December 2009, the visa liberalisation regime allowed Serbian citizens to travel within the Schengen area without a visa, showing that the process can deliver concrete results directly benefiting citizens.

Serbia is a programme country in the Erasmus programme, allowing students, teachers and others to travel to EU countries for study purposes and to meet people from different cultures.

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90 days in six months

Citizens of the Republic of Serbia can travel the EU’s Schengen area without a visa.

The visa-free regime came into force in 2009 and applies to people who hold biometric passports. They can travel to countries covered by the Schengen regime for up to 90 days per six-month period.


Erasmus and more

The Republic of Serbia has been participating in the Erasmus + programme since its inception in 2014 as a partner country. In February 2019, the Republic of Serbia became a full member of the Erasmus + programme, where interested parties can apply for all types of projects. Certain types of projects are reported to the Executive Agency for Education, Culture and Media Programs (EACEA), while other types are submitted to the Tempus Foundation, which is responsible for implementing Erasmus + programs in Serbia.

Also, Serbia joined the Horizon 2020 programme in July 2014. Horizon 2020 falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, which provides support for any of the topics through a network of national contact points.

The programme is open to Serbian university research groups, research institutes, individual researchers, SMEs, big companies, as well as government, non-government and private organisations and institutions.