Ms. Christina Kokkinakis, Ambassador of the EU to the OECD, UNESCO and the IEA in Paris and to the Principalities of Andorra and Monaco.

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    Ambassador Christina Kokkinakis

Message from the Ambassador

Dear Visitor,  

Thank you very much for your interest in the role of the EU Delegation to the OECD, UNESCO and the IEA in Paris and to the Principalities of Andorra and Monaco. It is my pleasure to welcome you to our website which aims to help you understand how our Delegation works with these three international organisations to shape their agenda and promote the interests of the EU and its Members States.  

The EU cooperation with the OECD, UNESCO and the IEA spans over decades and has brought numerous mutual benefits to both the EU and its partner organisations.  

The OECD plays an important role in supporting multilateralism and international cooperation to increase the economic and social well-being of our people.  There are some long standing challenges that we address together such as creating growth and jobs, making sure that trade is free and fair, fighting climate change and support the digital transition, tackling rising inequalities and ageing societies and preparing for the future of work in a changing world. The EU also draws on the EU and Euro-area economic surveys of the OECD to support its own monitoring and analysis of economic, social and environmental policies and trends in the EU Member States. Yet, the OECD offers more than a unique depth of expertise to use: it fosters frank discussion and exchange of best practices among its 38 Members and a multitude of other partners. The EU also substantially contributes to the OECD work by both sharing its leading edge policymaking experience and know-how and by providing a very important voluntary funding for OECD projects.  

The EU partners with UNESCO to promote multilateral dialogue, cooperation and best practice-sharing in education, culture, science and technology, communication and information, including freedom of expression, but also regarding water and oceans. We provide important – and growing - financial support to the organisation.  

The EU has been working with the IEA since its creation back in 1974. The EU fully supports the IEA’s mission to create a secure and sustainable energy future for all. This support is clear in the substantial voluntary funding the EU provides to the organisation.  

Finally, in our function as the EU Delegation to the Principalities of Andorra and Monaco, we foster closer cooperation with these like-minded neighbours, based on our shared values such as the protection of human rights, democracy, security, multilateralism and a rules-based international order. Sharing culture and history, the EU, Andorra and Monaco have signed various agreements of cooperation. In December 2023, the EU and Andorra finalised negotiations on an Association Agreement which will provide for the participation of Andorra in the EU’s internal market.

Our website will help you find more information not only about the OECD, UNESCO and IEA key work areas and flagship publications but will also take you to the latest on the relevant work and projects of the EU in all key areas covered by the three international organisations.  

I hope you will find it useful and I wish you an enjoyable and informative read.  



Ambassador and Permanent Representative to OECD, to UNESCO and to the Principalities of Andorra and Monaco 

Ambassadrice et Représentante permanente auprès de l’OCDE, de l’UNESCO et des Principautés Andorre et Monaco

Ambassador CV

Ms. Christina KOKKINAKIS

Ambassador Christina Kokkinakis took up her duties as Permanent Representative of the European Union to the OECD and UNESCO in September 2023.

Prior to that assignment Ambassador Kokkinakis served as Deputy Managing Director Global and Director for Values and Multilateral relations at the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Ms. Kokkinakis joined the Austrian diplomatic service in 1995 and has been active on a range of multilateral as well as bilateral issues. 

From 2019 to 2021 Ms. Kokkinakis served as permanent Representative of Austria to the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the European Union. 

From 2017 to 2019 she served as Director for the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. Before that she worked as Director for the EU Single Market and COREPER I at the Austrian MFA.

From 2012 until 2016 Christina Kokkinakis worked for the European External Action Service (EEAS) where she was heading the Political Section – Human Rights at the European Union Delegation to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva.

From 2009 to 2012, she served as Head of Political Section at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union.

Between 2005 and 2009, Ms. Kokkinakis was Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva and Chargée d'affaires a.i. being responsible for delivering on Austria's contribution to the United Nations on human rights, humanitarian affairs, health, labour issues, development and disarmament.

Ms. Kokkinakis served as Senior Foreign Policy advisor on UN, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Council of Europe related matters as well as on bilateral relations with a special focus on the Middle East and Latin America to two Austrian Foreign Ministers.

Ms. Kokkinakis has had a variety of other responsibilities with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, including serving as Deputy Head of Mission at the Austrian Embassy in Prague, Czech Republic (2001-2003). Ms. Kokkinakis has furthermore worked in the Department for United Nations (1997-1998) as well as in the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna (1996-1997) and in the Permanent Mission to the OSCE. From 1996 to 1997 Ms. Kokkinakis served as Attachée at the Austrian Cultural Forum in London, UK.

Ms. Kokkinakis holds a Master in Internal Relations and a Master in Philosophy from the University of Vienna. She speaks German, Greek, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Arabic (basic).