EUTM-CAR: Warrant Officer Kamel, cameraman


Since July 2019, Warrant Officer Kamel (French army) has been deployed in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), as part of an European Training Mission EUTM) member.

Appointed to EUTM headquarter in the Public Press and Information Office (PPIO), he is the photographer and videographer of the mission.

Main Image

One objective: showing with unanimated and moving pictures the EUTM in CAR.

After almost ten years spent in the 110th Infantry Regiment of Donaueschingen in Germany as an ERYX shooter (anti-tank missile launcher), Warrant Officer Kamel decided, by attraction for photography, to switch to the communications field.

For three years, supported by another photograph, he learned the basics of photography in the communication cell of Mailly-le-Camp (France).

In 2013, he is assigned to the French Public Relations and Information service of the army (SIRPAT) to prepare an audiovisual technical qualification. After being graduated, he joined one of the fifth images production centers of the army as a filmmaker in charge to daily highlight French army units’ actions within an extended geographical area from Toulouse to Nice through Corsica.

To a greater extent, he has regularly been tasked in military external operations for the sake of testifying with images of the activities of the armies in operations as a filmmaker inside a team composed of a team leader, a photographer, and a cameraman. Usually he may also coordinate the actions of the team during coverage and manage the logistics part.

It is precisely in this context and as sole operator that he explains to us that he has been deployed within the EUTM-RCA mission: Here, I am responsible for showing through the image the work of the European Training Mission for the benefit of the Central African armed forces. I hold the dual position of photographer and cameraman,” he said.

Being in regular contact with units and highlight their specificities and possibilities.

Warrant Officer Kamel is in charge of daily highlighting the various facets of the mission and soldiers of the eleven countries participating to the mission. His career shows his experience in the field. He holds a number of advanced training courses at the ECPAD (Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense): “The advantage of being a photographer or a cameraman in military external operation allow to be in contact with the units and to be able to highlight their specificities in the context of all the various missions they carry out,” he said.

Launched on 16 July 2016, the EUTM-RCA has so far advised, and trained more than 3,700 men and women soldiers in the Central African Armed Forces (FACA). The aim of the mission is "to make the Central African Armed Forces modern, effective, inclusive and democratically accountable by providing strategic advice to the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, as well as education and training for FACA".

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