Romanian Mobile Training Team in Benin


As part of the EU Security and Defense Initiative in the Gulf of Guinea (EU SDI GoG), a Romanian Mobile Training Team currently work with their Benin partners.


For a little more than a week, a Romanian Mobile Training Team is in Benin to share their knowledge on air-ground cooperation during military operations with their Benin counterparts. This 3D course will help the Benin Military to operate more effectively.




At the request of Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin, EU SDI GoG supports Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin with the build-up of their security and defence forces to help them respond to security threats in the north of these countries.

The initiative combines civilian and military expertise and assets to:

  • contribute to enhancing Host State resilience in vulnerable areas in their northern regions through capacity building of their security and defence forces;
  • provide pre-deployment operational training of Host State security and defence forces;
  • support the enhancement in technical areas of Host State security and defence forces;
  • promote the rule of law and good governance in Host State  security sectors, focusing on their security and defence forces, and support trust-building between civil society and security and defence forces.

To implement its tasks, the Initiative will position both military and civilian advisers, mobile training teams, visiting experts and crisis response teams to meet the expressed needs of the Host States ensuring local ownership and leadership.