About the EU-LAC Digital Alliance

On this page you can learn more about the EU-LAC Digital Alliance, what it is, where to download the factsheet and where to find more related information.

Based on a common understanding that an inclusive, secure and human-centric digital transformation is the key to sustainable development and social cohesion, both regions agreed on launching a Digital Alliance in March 2023 in Bogotá, Colombia. This kick off was endorsed by a Joint Declaration in the margins of the EU-CELAC Summit held in Brussels in July 2023.

The EU-LAC Digital Alliance is an informal, values-based framework for cooperation, open to all Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries and EU Member States who may participate through their respective governments and agencies related to the digital agenda. The EU participates as Team Europe with Member States and their development agencies, European financial institutions and the LAC branch of the Digital4Development Hub. It will also ensure the participation of other stakeholders, such as the private sector, research and academic networks, and other social actors from both regions.

The Alliance provides a strategic framework for regular bi-regional dialogue and cooperation on digital matters for the benefit of their citizens.

It promotes cooperation on a wide range of digital issues, including digital policy dialogue, internet governance, data governance, infrastructure, connectivity, security, data protection, artificial intelligence and other new emerging digital technologies, skills development, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation, digital trade, and space-related activities such as Copernicus Earth observation data and satellite navigation applications and services. It also upholds knowledge transfer and exchange on digital citizenship, digitisation of public services and registries, digital identity, electronic signatures, and related interoperability.

The Alliance will also serve as a forum for developing a bi-regional Investment Agenda in the digital domain underpinned by the Global Gateway initiative, in particular its flagship projects: policy dialogues, developing the BELLA cable, the EU-LAC Accelerator and Copernicus LAC (Chile & Panama), which complement the bilateral digital projects in certain countries and other regional digital initiatives such as the LAC4 Centre.

Factsheet: EU-LAC Digital Alliance

For more information, follow the link to download the EU-LAC Digital Alliance Factsheet.

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    Screenshot of a factsheet

    Download the EU LAC Digital Alliance factsheet

We want to work towards a digital alliance so that digital transformation leaves no one behind.

Josep Borrell, HR/VP speech at the EU-CELAC Ministerial meeting Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2022
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    EU LAC dialogues logo

Digital alliance policy dialogues

The Digital Alliance agreed on a periodic dialogue with a view to reinforcing and converging digital policy and regulatory frameworks on issues of common interest, including data governance, e-governance, cybersecurity, connectivity and AI.. The dialogue will involve governments, intergovernmental and regional organisations, non-governmental organisations, private stakeholders, civil society and academia in its implementation.

The EU-LAC Policy Dialogues where launched in November 2023 during the Digital Alliance Days, in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). The group agreed on a roadmap of Dialogues for 2024.

Discover the timeline of all the EU-LAC Digital Policy Dialogues. This document is also available in Spanish.

EU LAC Digital Alliance Stories

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