EU-Malaysia: Creating Opportunities for a Sustainable Tomorrow” campaign launched on Europe Day

A sustainability-themed reception, featuring eco-conscious entertainment and menus, brought together a diverse group of participants.

On May 9, the European Union Delegation to Malaysia proudly launched the “EU-Malaysia: Creating Opportunities for a Sustainable Tomorrow” campaign, in conjunction with Europe Day. Held at the Sunway Resort Hotel, the reception brought together some 150 distinguished guests including EU Member State Ambassadors, representatives from various Malaysian ministries and government agencies, businesses, civil society organisations, institutions, press and academia.

An engaging networking session accompanied by light refreshments set the stage for an evening of insightful exchanges before the event officially began with the singing of Malaysia’s national anthem “Negaraku” and the EU’s "Ode to Joy".

A heart-pumping performance by the innovative No Noise Percussion, a percussion group that uses instruments crafted from recycled household objects such as water barrels, pipes and car exhausts, further electrified the ambiance with their energetic show which communicated the event’s core message of sustainability and harmony through music.

The audience was further engaged by a video specially curated for the campaign. The video traced Malaysia’s journey over the past 64 years, focusing on key environmental indicators such as average temperature, rainfall, population growth and CO2 emissions. It served as a powerful call to action, underlining the urgency of prioritising sustainability for the future.

A key moment of the event was the series of speeches, led by H.E. Michalis Rokas, the Ambassador of the European Union to Malaysia. Ambassador Rokas highlighted ongoing partnerships focused on sustainability as well as the importance of multilateralism towards building a sustainable future. Following him, Sunway Group Chairman’s Office Executive Director Ong Pang Yen delivered a presentation sharing a compelling outlook on the urgent need for environmental action. Guest of Honour Deputy Economy Minister YB Dato’ Hajjah Hanifah Hajar Taib then took the stage to provide insights into the Malaysian government’s sustainability strategies and initiatives.

The attendees were then treated to a special video presentation showcasing the illumination of Menara TS Law, a gesture celebrating the campaign launch and Europe Day.

With sustainability being the event centrepiece, it was only fitting that the dinner that ensued reflected the theme, with dishes prepared from sustainably sourced ingredients from Sunway XFarms. The night then concluded on a high note, with guests deeply engaged in discussions about enhancing sustainability practices and strengthening collaborations between the EU and Malaysia.

Observed every 9 May, Europe Day is the EU’s annual celebration of peace, solidarity, diversity and unity, in the spirit of the Schuman declaration of 1950. Stay tuned for more updates as the EU and Malaysian partners continue to plan further activities and events under the “EU-Malaysia: Creating Opportunities for a Sustainable Tomorrow” campaign.