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    Explainer cards EU Ambassadors Conference 2023 - happening from 6 to 10 November! Here are 3 facts you should know about it
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    Website Carousel Explainer Ambassador Conference-2023 Fact 1: The conference is a yearly event taking place in Brussels, giving the chance for EU Ambassadors to meet peers and EU leaders & decision-makers for in-person discussions
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    Website Carousel Explainer Ambassador Conference-2023 Fact 2: Who. EU Ambassadors from over 140 EU Delegations worldwide. Heads of EU military & civilian missions and operations. Heads of European Commission Representations from all 27 EU countries.
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    Website Carousel Explainer Ambassador Conference-2023. Fact 3: Why? Participants will discuss the challenges of EU diplomacy, geopolitical developments & the role of the EU as a global actor
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    Website Carousel Explainer Ambassador Conference-2023. You can follow & join the discussion on social media with #EUDiplomacy


The Ambassadors’ Conference is a yearly event that allows for an open exchange between participants and high-level speakers on the European Union’s external activities, global developments, and the EU’s strategic outlook.

The Conference brings together EU Ambassadors from over 145 EU Delegations and Offices around the world, in addition to the Heads of EU military and civilian Missions and Operations, EU Special Representatives, Special Envoys and Heads of the European Commission Representations in all 27 EU Member States

High-level interventions are foreseen by High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell; President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola;  President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen; President of the European Council, Charles Michel; EEAS Secretary General, Stefano Sannino.

Panels and workshops are foreseen for the entire week. This year’s topics focus around the new global security environment, charting the way forward to EU Diplomacy. Sessions include  discussing EU foreign policy in the new geopolitical era; The Future of EU Security & Defence; Enlargement and completing our Union; The EU Global Gateway; The EU Crisis Response; The Rise of China; The Urgent Challenges of Climate Change and the Green Transition; Gender Responsive Foreign Policy; The Digital Transition; The EU’s New Economic Security Agenda; International Cultural Relations and how to mobilise EU citizens around the world on the occasion of the European Parliament elections.

You can join the discussions via X/Twitter by following #EUDiplomacy.


The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission Josep Borrell will open the conference with a public address on Monday at 09:30. He will be introduced by the EEAS Secretary General Stefano Sannino. The address will be broadcast live on the EEAS X/Twitter channel and also on the European Commission’s audiovisual service, Europe by Satellite.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will address the gathering on the same day at 11.15. This will be followed by the keynote speech of European Parliament President Roberta Metsola at 13:30. European Council President Charles Michel will address the Ambassadors at 16:00. All interventions will be broadcasted live on Ebs.

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    Quote HR/VP: We are witnessing the normalisation of violence over dialogue. Something which we thought we had left behind us generations ago. At times like these, when we see how low humanity can sink, when we see endless bloodshed and destruction, it is for diplomacy to step up.
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    These times of conflict and change call for Europe to be even more engaged on the global stage. The size and scale of today’s events require that we act and think strategically. Even and especially when the fog of war is thick, and emotions run high. Our times require that our Union makes full use of its foreign policy potential, ranging from traditional diplomacy to trade, aid and investments. These are the principles that have driven us so far. Engagement. Strategic thinking. And unity of action.
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    Quote President Metsola: We are witnessing the normalisation of violence over dialogue. Something which we thought we had left behind us generations ago. At times like these, when we see how low humanity can sink, when we see endless bloodshed and destruction, it is for diplomacy to step up.
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    Quote-Ambassador Conferencere-2023-Charles Michel



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    EU Ambassadors Conference 2022: New Frontiers of European Diplomacy - Acting in a fragmented world

2022 Edition

The Conference brought together EU Ambassadors from over 145 EU Delegations and Offices around the world, in addition to the Heads of CSDP Mission and Operations, EU Special Representatives and Special Envoys. 

Among the topics discussed were the EU economic and  trade policies; food security; energy crisisthe challenges of migration; EU Foreign Policy in the age of disinformation; EU crisis response; Security & Defence; Cultural Diplomacy; Climate Diplomacy and the green transitionDigital Diplomacy; EU’s Multilateral agenda; Gender and Youth.

Find out more about the 2022 edition

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