Hydrogen Egypt Summit 2023

Cairo, 13 September 2023

Introductory Remarks by

Ambassador Christian Berger, Head of the EU Delegation

Excellencies, dear participants and guests,

Thank you for the invitation to speak here about promoting green hydrogen in Egypt.  A sustainable clean transition will provide everyone with abundant and affordable clean energy, and also with energy security.

Green hydrogen is promising to end the dependence on an unreliable energy supply. That is why in the EU we target to produce annually ten million tons of renewable hydrogen. And we shall also import another 10 million tons from abroad. This can replace up to 50 billion cubic metres per year of imported gas.

In order to reach these goals we need to invest and strengthen the industrial base and establish a more transparent, investment-driven, and innovation-friendly eco-system, which is precisely what investors are looking closely at in the different markets.

Climate action in energy including hydrogen is a key priority in our cooperation with partner countries. We are working with Egypt and a large number of countries on that topic in real partnerships.  We signed the Green Hydrogen Partnership with Egypt in November 2022 at COP 27. We are witnessing real and concrete steps by the government to pursue this partnership.

The Egyptian Green Hydrogen Council has just been successfully established. The EU has set aside funds to support the Council implementing its strategy, once the Egyptian Hydrogen Strategy has been formally adopted.

The number of MoUs signed between Egypt and International Investors in the field of Renewable Energy Generation and Green Hydrogen Production confirms the potential that Egypt has set in motion.

The EU has substantial experience to share and has the means to help, as the world's biggest climate financier, providing along with our Member States over 40% of the world's public climate finance. We are using Technical Assistance, Investment grants, capacity building as well as guarantees to reduce risks and leverage private investments in different countries.

As we want to deliver a Green Deal for Europe, making the EU the leading example for a just and sustainable transition, we believe we must have the credibility to bring others along to do the same. And then we can really make a difference to the future of our planet.

Clean hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources will be an asset for Egypt. Low-carbon hydrogen can be part of the transition, but only renewable hydrogen will bring us to climate neutrality and energy security.

A green hydrogen economy at scale has potential socio-economic benefits. For example, according to research, approximately 50,000 jobs are created per mega tonne of hydrogen produced. This presents an important opportunity in particular for countries like Egypt with high renewable energy potential, but otherwise lower levels of industrialisation, by providing avenues for the creation of quality jobs in emerging green industries thereby advancing inclusive growth.

The will is clear, the technology is here, and were more prepared than ever to bring it to scale. The time for action is now to save everyone from the irreversible consequences of climate change and protect future generations.

With enough commitment, we can reach the tipping point, where clean hydrogen becomes more competitive than its alternatives. With the right investment and the right policies, clean hydrogen can go mainstream. And this will create new markets, new economies of scale, new business opportunities. We can achieve this if we join forces public and private sector, all together.