Embrace x EU in Lebanon Men's Mental Health Campaign

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ورا كل الانتصارات ولحظات النجاح في قصة.
قصة رجال عم بيعانوا، عم يحسّوا بالضعف وعم يمرقوا بأصعب لحظات حياتن.
بعدنا منفكّر بالرجّال انو هو عطول قوي والحكي عن صحّتو النفسية عيب.
هالوصمة شجّعت كتير رجال يخبّوا لحظات ضعفن ومنعتن يحكوا عن مشاعرن او يقبلوا فكرة اللجوء للمساعدة النفسية.
لما ننكر انو عم نعاني منحرم حالنا فرصة صحة وحياة أفضل.
شجّعوا كل رجّال بحياتكن يهتمّ بصحّتو النفسية.

Behind moments of success and victories, which still shine through the adversities Lebanon is going through, there are incredible stories. Stories of men who are struggling, fighting hard through every day, feeling weak and helpless, and going through some of their most difficult challenges.

We still perceive men as the “strong” ones and talking about men’s mental health is still a taboo in our society. This perception has created damage for men on many levels, preventing them from expressing their emotions and seeking support for treatable and preventable mental illnesses. When we deny our struggles, we also deny ourselves the opportunity to better health and living better.

Encourage the men in your life to take care of their mental health.

To know more about Embrace's mental health services, check: https://embracelebanon.org/

Thank you for helping us break the stigma around Men’s mental health!


Film Director: @eliefahed

With the support of @euinlebanon

