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Our Voice, Our Stories

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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions next to EU flag
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions panel
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions panel
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    Paul Siniga at #OurVoiceOurFuture stand
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions with CSDP staff
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions
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    Leyla singing #OurVoiceOurFuture theme song
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture young champions panel discussion on Human Rights
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture panel
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture champion next to Wish Tree
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    #OurVoiceOurFuture Wish Tree

#OurVoiceOurFuture relaunched at Europe Day Event in Brussels

We invited our young champions to join the Europe Day celebrations in May and strengthen our partnership in view of the new edition of the campaign.

The first day of the event prioritised the exchange of best practices and collaborative efforts between the European External Action Service (EEAS) and young opinion leaders.

The information sessions highlighted the EU's work in areas of interest to young people, including human rights, climate change, gender equality, inclusion, diversity, peace and security, democracy, development and youth empowerment.

The event was an occasion to allow the youths’ direct involvement in shaping the future of the campaign. Interactive sessions and networking activities encouraged meaningful engagement and enhanced best practices exchanges among participants.

On 6 May 2023, #OurVoiceOurFuture influencers actively participated in the communication activities surrounding Europe Day at the EEAS Headquarters. As part of the day's activities, influencers embarked on a "UDHR Treasure Hunt" where they searched for the 30 UDHR Articles hidden at EEAS stands. Engaging with stand holders who provided information about the EU resulted in valuable material for influencers to create content, documenting their experience at Europe Day in Brussels and keeping human rights and the UDHR at the centre of their narratives.

Don't Speak About Us Without Us: #OurVoiceOurFuture at EU-CELAC Summit

Young leaders from the EU and Latin America & the Caribbean came together in Brussels to agree on a set of recommendations to their leaders.

They were the best reporters on-the-ground during the historic EU-CELAC Summit on July 17-18, 2023. #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo resounded loud and clear from the young generation to the leaders at both sides of the Atlantic!

Find out more about this event and explore the videos by our young champions.

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    Photo Collage - #OurVoiceOurFuture
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Celebrating Youth in Jordan

On August 10, 2023, the EU Delegation in Jordan celebrated International Youth Day by inviting a dynamic group of young Jordanian activists and influencers to share their vision  for a future where human rights can thrive. At the heart of this gathering was #OurVoiceOurFuture initiative.  In addition to amplifying the voices of youth, the campaign offers opportunities for fostering intergenerational dialogue. We want to listen and learn from them.  This is rooted in our commitment to empowering the bright minds that will shape tomorrow's world.

Bhutanese Youth Met EU Officials at FAO in Rome

Last October, Youth from the Asia-Pacific region attended the World Food Forum (WFF) event organised by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. The EU Ambassador to UN Organisations in Rome Alexandra Valkenburg met with a Bhutanese youth Delegation.

Youth gathered in Rome with the aim to inspire action and transform our global agrifood systems.  WFF is a youth-led movement and network committed to the theme: “Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action.” On October 19th, EU Ambassador to UN Organisations in Rome Alexandra Valkenburg hosted a meeting with Bhutan's Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Yeshey Penjor, alongside the Bhutanese Youth Delegation present at WFF. #OurVoiceOurFuture champion Ngawang Gyeltshen was part of this diplomatic engagement that highlighted the vital role played by youth in shaping the future of agriculture.

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    Bhutanese Youth Met EU Officials at FAO in Rome
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    Bhutanese Youth Met EU Officials at FAO in Rome
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    Bhutanese Youth Met EU Officials at FAO in Rome
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Young voices are joining the global conversation in New York

The #OurVoiceOurFuture campaign highlights the inspiring engagement of young people in addressing issues of great concern in today’s world. To continue our journey together and expand the stories of youth beyond borders to a world-wide audience, #OurVoiceOurFuture is partnering with the podcast series "Who Rules the World?"

Launched by EU Youth Delegates to the UN in October 2022, each episode of "Who Rules the World?"  addresses issues discussed at the UN and the EU. Topics include current events and explainers on how these complex institutions work. The goal is to bring the UN and global issues closer to the public and particularly to young people.

#OurVoiceOurFuture complements this approach by bringing in the youth perspective and bridging the reality on the ground to the global dimension. It celebrates youth activism for human rights. We want youth to take their place in the global conversation.

Who Rules the World and #OurVoiceOurFuture

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    Francisco Vera Manzanares
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    Jessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica MshamaJessica Mshama
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    Paul siniga
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    Sophie handford
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    Emmanuel Ganse
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Meet our champions

Young champions from many different parts of the world are taking the floor to speak up for change. Covering topics are varied as climate change, right to education, promotion of diversity, gender equality, youth employment and much more.

Explore their profiles and feel inspired by their messages.

Participate in the campaign

You challenge, inspire, innovate! You make it happen. Take part and speak up!

  • #UDHR75
  • #OurVoiceOurFuture
  • #NotreVoixNotreAvenir
  • #NuestraVozNuestroFuturo
  • #NossaVozNossoFuturo
  • #SautiYetuMustakabaliWetu
  • #صوتنا_مستقبلنا
  • #我的未来我来

Privacy Statement

Tag our accounts:

Facebook European External Action Service – EEAS
Instagram @eudiplomacy

Twitter @eu_eeas

Social Media Toolkit:

How to contribute

To mark this important anniversary, we encourage you to take action in any way you can.

Through the #OurVoiceOurFuture campaign, we will amplify your voices and give visibility to your advocacy work for human rights.

  • Start posting in your channels (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube etc.) using the campaign hashtags #UDHR75 & #OurVoiceOurFuture

Send a powerful message to the world and invite your community to join the campaign!

Educate yourself and others: Take the time to learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its history, and its importance. Share this information with your peers and family members, and raise awareness about the need to protect human rights.

Speak up: Use your voice to advocate for human rights. Write letters to your elected officials, organize events, and use social media to spread awareness about human rights issues.

Get involved: Join organisations and campaigns that promote human rights. Volunteer your time or take part in activities that aim to protect and promote human rights.

Be an ally: Stand in solidarity with marginalised groups and support their struggles for equality and justice.

  • Tag our accounts and interact with the campaign content that we will be publishing on our social media accounts. Highly engaging and relevant content that you post will be cross-posted on our accounts.
*Disclaimer: By tagging our accounts and including the campaign hashtags, you agree with the publication of your content on the 
EEAS website and social media channels


Story-telling has the power to inspire and create change. By sharing stories about human rights issues, you can bring attention to important topics and inspire others to take action. Story-telling can take many shapes:

  • Videos. Your personal narrative can be a powerful way to connect with people and raise awareness. You can document and provide an audio-visual representation of human rights issues, showcasing the experiences of those affected by human rights abuses. Audio-visual material can create empathy and inspire others to support and take action.
  • Interviews. You can interview a human rights defender/advocate. Your interview can cover some of the ways in which the UDHR has contributed to human progress. Another idea is to illustrate the work of a human rights defender/advocate and how they inspire change in the community.
  • Art: poetry, music, photography, street art, etc. Art can be a powerful tool for illustrating and promoting human rights. From posters that feature quotes from UDHR, installations that illustrate the difficulties of vulnerable communities, to street art and photography that document humanitarian crises around the world, there are few limits to expression.

Remember, every action counts, no matter how small it may seem. By working together, we can create a world where human rights are respected, protected, and promoted for all.

Your content. Your story. No limits to creativity!

Choose your topic. What is important to you? What do you believe in? Stay true to yourself!

Here’s a list of examples and it is not exhaustive. You may tackle other topics, in line with your values and activist work: 

Education. Universal access to education is essential to the empowerment of young people

Climate Change. Caring for our planet is caring for our present and future. Our planet is our future and young people are at the forefront of climate action and climate justice. Human rights and climate change are closely interconnected. Climate change can exacerbate existing inequalities and can undermine the rights to life, health, food, housing and culture.

Participation. Everyone has the right to be heard and young people are seeking out new ways to participate in decisions that have a direct or indirect impact on their wellbeing. Youth participation is a fundamental human right that is recognised by international law.

LGBTIQ+.  Many people have fought and still fight to have their rights respected. Young people across the globe are pushing the message of tolerance and respect for the dignity of all across boundaries.

Racism is a violation of fundamental human rights. Discrimination between human beings on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin is an obstacle to friendly and peaceful relations within societies and among nations. This discrimination, either being it employment, housing, education or healthcare, either in more violent discrimination expressed through hate crimes, has no place in any society and the youth plays a key role in raising awareness and combating it.

Gender- based discrimination can take many forms, including unequal pay for equal work, lack of access to education and healthcare, and gender-based violence. These issues not only violate the basic human rights of women and girls but also perpetuate a cycle of poverty and inequality.

Bullying violates a number of human rights, including the right to life, liberty, and security of person; the right to education; the right to work without discrimination; and the right to freedom of expression.

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