The European Union works with Paraguay to boost its development, without leaving anyone behind.  


Our agenda is totally people-centred and based on the promotion of human rights, gender equality, respect towards diversity, the fight against climate change and taking care of the environment.  

We currently have 27 cooperation projects and work with 35 partners.  

The overall amount destined towards cooperation for the 2014 – 2020 cycle is 176 million euros split up into the following areas: 

  • Primary and secondary education: 85 million euros.  
  • Higher education: 2 million euros.
  • Social protection: 48 million euros. 
  • Sustainable development: 20 million euros.  
  • Democracy and participation: 10 million euros.  
  • Human rights promotion and strengthening of civil society: 9 million euros.  
  • Regional programmes: 2 million euros.  

Quality Education

For a sustainable and inclusive education

The European Union allocates around 50% of its cooperation to the improvement of education. Paraguay, a country with 60% of its population being under 30 years old, represents an opportunity to invest in a quality education that is inclusive and egalitarian. 


  • Investment in teachers: Guarantee teachers’ competence, resources and infrastructure for their training.   
  • School retention: Young people that complete 12 years of formal education, paying special attention to the girls. 
  • Basic competences: Pedagogical innovations, infrastructure and communal training.  
  • Valuation of teaching: A competent career, based on merit and professional performance. 
  • Public funds use: Strengthening of educational management and optimized resources. 
  • Transition into the professional world: Educational offer in accordance with the demands of 21st century’s labour market.

Sustainable Development

In favour of a development that is inclusive and respectful of the people and the planet

We aim for a fair balance between social, environmental and economic goals for more sustainable and inclusive development, in harmony with nature.  


  • Dignified work: Promoting job formalisation, boosting productivity and creating quality jobs, with equal opportunities to promote competitiveness.  
  • Biodiversity and climate change: Supporting the country’s efforts in the reduction of gas emissions and climate change adaptation, while promoting a balance between production and biodiversity conservation.  
  • Businesses and finances respectful of the environment: Promoting subjects such as the circular economy and green employment, developing new capabilities and business models.  
  • Economic diversification: Supporting and strengthening value chains in different production sectors, favouring a production that is efficient and socially responsible, improving the quality of public and private services directed to MSME.  
  • Business and investments climate: Strengthening the institutional and normative framework that promotes corporate formalisation, improving financial inclusivity.  
  • Formalisation and access to new markets: Preparing the access to new markets, reducing administrative and regulatory costs.  

Social Protection

For the right to social protection

The European Union has pledged 48 million euros to support the implementation of the Social Protection System “Vamos!” which aims to reduce inequalities and ensure that people have protection as they face adversities throughout their lives. 


  • Integrated Social Information System: Quick and accurate information of social program beneficiaries.  
  • Increase of pension coverage: contributory and non-contributory for +65-year-olds.  
  • National Care Policy: Awareness of care work for women’s labour integration. 
  • Safe delivery for them and their babies: Increase of pre-natal consultations to a minimum of four. 
  • Youth employment: Informal education courses focused on the development of specific job skills.  
  • Civil society: More participative and efficient social protection program.  

Democracy and Participation

For a more equal society

The European Union believes that freedom of expression, participation and the right to information are essential to democratic governability.  

  • More political participation from women: Strengthen the abilities to promote gender equality, women’s participation and political representation.  
  • Stronger and more legitimate institutions: Proper governance as a permanent challenge to all political actors.  
  • Proper electoral process: A strengthened legal framework for political financing and its implementation, to favour actions that allow more knowledge and abilities to increase the population’s democratic participation.  
  • Conversation with political and civil society actors: Strengthening of internal and interparty dialogue mechanisms of democratic political parties, with actions towards inclusion favouring underprivileged groups.