When handling personal data, the EEAS respects the rules on the protection of personal data laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 (EUDPR) which defines the principles and obligations for European institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. The EUDPR is aligned with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In accordance with the provisions of the EU data protection legislation and in particular Article 31 of EUDPR, data controllers maintain a record of personal data processing activities. Each institution also appoints a Data Protection Officer (DPO). Data controllers cooperate with the DPO. In addition to the records kept by the data controller entities, the EEAS DPO also keeps a central register.

The Records Register provides information on the processing of personal data related to various activities by the EEAS along with the EU Delegations. The e-DPO system, the electronic data protection records management tool of the EEAS is in the process of revision. Content of this page is gradually updated taking into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

More information on how the EEAS processes personal data is available at the EEAS website on data protection. The EEAS DPO can be contacted via data-protection@eeas.europa.eu.


EEAS Records Register


EEAS Record 621 Consular protection via CoOL-Exonaut
EEAS Record 741 Inspection of EU Delegations
EEAS Record 1042 Complementary Sickness Insurance- Declaration of accidents for Local Agents in EU Delegations
EEAS  Record 1043 Disciplinary measures for local agents in EU delegations
EEAS Record 1341

Complementary Sickness Insurance for Local Agents- Medical Care Subject to Prior Authorisation Request

EEAS Record 1343 Complementary Sickness Insurance for Local Agents in EU Delegations - Incapacity for work exceeding 30 days
EEAS Record 1344

Complementary Sickness Insurance for Local Agents in EU Delegations - Reimbursement Request for Medical Expenses

EEAS Record 1461 Personal data processing through the compilation of logbooks documenting cases involving Human Rights Defenders in third countries
EEAS Record 1541 Security verifications background checks of employees of external contractors requiring access to EEAS premises
EEAS Record 1581

EEAS social and financial aid, social assistance and advice on reimbursement of medical expenses for Headquarters and EU Delegations

EEAS Record 1585 Activity of the Medical Service of the EEAS
EEAS Record 1841 IT Division Cyper Security (Phishing) Awareness Campaign
EEAS Record 1861 Schoolmaster IT application as part of the Goalkeeper software environment
EEAS Record 2241 IT Service Management of the EEAS - MyIT ServiceNow
EEAS Record 2421   The EEAS Visitors' Management System: e-Visitor
EEAS Record 2441 Corporate Sponsorship in EU Delegations based on EEAS Guidelines for Corporate Sponsoring and co-hosted events
EEAS Record 2501 Personal data processing in the context of Electoral Office activities in the EEAS
EEAS Record 2621 Travel Clearance Application (TCA) and the related personal data processing
EEAS Record 2641 EEAS Business Continuity
EEAS Record 2661 COARM Online System exchange platform in the field of arms export control
EEAS Record 2741 Time management of Local Agents in EU Delegations – e-TIM
EEAS Record 2761 EEAS Security Portal
EEAS Record 2821 E-rights: Attribution of Entitlements and Allowances for All Staff Members Working in EU Delegations (EEAS & EC Personnel) using the e-Rights system
EEAS Record 2861 Microsoft Azure Active Directory accounts of EEAS staff for gaining access to Commission MS Teams Meetings through authentication to the EEAS service
EEAS Record 2881

Processing Personal Data Related to Parliamentary Questions Handled by the EEAS using PARQ – EEAS local system for management of Parliamentary Questions

EEAS Record 2901 Travel form related to non-EU staff travelling in EU vehicles - Travel Clearance
EEAS Record 2921

Processing personal data for purchase requisitions and payments in the Purchase-to-Pay system (P2P)

EEAS Record 2961

Management and (short- and medium-term) preservation of EEAS’s documents in Hermes/Ares/NomCom (HAN)

EEAS Record 2981

Processing personal data to provide remote qualified signature (QES) certificates for the EU Sign Web platform

EEAS Record 3041 Accreditation of the members of Diplomatic Corps
EEAS Record 3101 Real Estate Management  by the EEAS/EU Delegations via ‘IMMOGEST’ application
EEAS Record 3161 Control and distribution of public transport tickets (STIB) to staff in HQ
EEAS Record 3181

Use of blacklisted airlines and other non-certified airlines authorisation form by the EEAS (EU Delegations)

EEAS Record 3221 Secondment of EC Staff to EU Delegations
EEAS Record 3241

Processing of personal data of users and administrators related to Mobile Device Management (MDM)

EEAS Record 3261 Incident reporting
EEAS Record 3281 MyReservation: Workplace and room reservation management system
EEAS Record 3341 Attainment of further qualification for the EEAS Internal Audit Division Auditors along with Associate Membership, Learning And Development Services offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors
EEAS Record 3361 Selection of permanent staff for the EEAS by internal competitions
EEAS Record 3381


EEAS Record 3441 Analysis of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) threats
EEAS Record 3481

Register of exceptions and non-compliance events via EEAS Reporting Portal

EEAS Record 3541

Individual ethics obligations - requests for authorization, notifications and declarations in line with rights and obligations of statutory staff under Title II of the Staff Regulations (SR)

EEAS Record 3601