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Europeans Making a Difference

They find solutions in times of crisis, they innovate, and they use their creativity to mobilise people.
Meet these six Europeans who make a change – through fighting disinformation, transforming waste into art, bringing online learning to children when schools close, or through documenting stories that matter… Meet them in the heart of Europe, in the Western Balkans. Watch them realise their dreams and doing what they love and care about.

This is the third edition of the “Europeans Making a Difference” campaign, with portaits of people from the Western Balkans who make a difference in the region and far beyond. As HRVP Josep Borrell said: “This campaign gives a platform to people who move boundaries, who inspire and open doors for others. In our work we come across 'Europeans who make a difference' every day. With this campaign, we want to highlight their stories not just because they are good, genuine human stories. But also because their stories are not known enough in our EU Member States, and not visible enough in the Western Balkans either.”


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