Veronique Lorenzo is the EU Ambassador to Nepal. She was previously the Head of the Division for South America in the European External Action Service. An economist by training, Veronique has over 30 years of international experience, mostly in development cooperation and has lived and worked in a number of fragile and conflict affected countries, including Mozambique, Afghanistan, Uganda, Myanmar and Somalia where she was the EU Ambassador from 2006 to 2008.

At the EU Headquarters, Veronique has been Head of the Environment and Biodiversity and the Health, Education, Culture and Research units at the European Commission (Development Cooperation Directorate). She has represented the European Commission at the Board of a number of global initiatives, notably the Global Fund for Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Global Partnership for Education. She is a French and Spanish national and holds a BSc in Economics from the LSE and an MSc in Agricultural Economics from Wye College.

  • Image
    EU Ambassador to Nepal H.E. Veronique LORENZO

    EU Ambassador to Nepal, H.E. Veronique LORENZO

    Copyright: EU DEL Nepal

Message from the Ambassador

Namaste! Welcome to the website of the Delegation of the European Union to Nepal!

The partnership between the European Union and Nepal spans nearly 50 years and is firmly rooted in our shared commitment to a rules-based international order, peace and security, human rights and sustainable development.

The European Union started as a peace project 70 years ago. After the tragic Second World War that ravaged the continent, European countries, together, decided to forge economic ties so strong that a war between them would become unthinkable. Today, the European Union is 27 countries strong, a prosperous region where peace reigns and people live in democracy, respecting the rule of law and fundamental rights. People are united in diversity, in all the cultures, traditions and languages of Europe.

2024 will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations between the European Union and Nepal. In those 50 years, the European Union has accompanied Nepal through its significant political and social changes, and has always been a partner for the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law, as well as its sustainable development. Looking forward, a major milestone for Nepal is to achieve mid-income status in 2026, and the European Union will continue to strengthen and deepen its partnership with Nepal through trade and investment, training and education and good governance.

Watch this space: to commemorate our golden jubilee in 2024 we will we will be organising a number of activities and events with youth across Nepal, the government of Nepal, civil society and private sector.

During my stay in Nepal, my aim is to bring The European Union closer to the Nepali public and to bring Nepali people closer to what we call home: the European Union. Connectivity and people-to-people relations are key to strengthening our friendship. I hope you will find our website useful and become a frequent visitor. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, your feedback is valuable.
