The European Union (EU) has 145 delegations and offices around the world to represent the EU and its citizens. In Myanmar, a fully-fledged EU Delegation was opened in 2013 and is located in Yangon. The Delegation's main tasks are to strengthen EU-Myanmar relations by engaging in political dialogue, supporting development and delivery of humanitarian aid, overseeing trade issues and promoting cultural exchange. 

What we do

What is the mandate of the EU Delegation in Myanmar?

The Delegation promotes good relations between Myanmar and the EU, through dialogue with the Myanmar political actors and representatives of civil society and the media. The Delegation reaches out to the business community and economic actors to strengthen the economic cooperation between Myanmar and the European Union. 

The Delegation raises awareness about the EU, its policies, and the opportunities to travel and study in Europe. Together with the EU member states, we promote the European culture and encourage cultural exchange between the EU and Myanmar. 

The Delegation manages the implementation of the EU's extensive assistance programme in Myanmar. We are the eyes and ears on the ground to ensure that our programmes can be effective and sustainable. Through our constant engagement with the government and international partners, we ensure effective coordination of international support to Myanmar's democratic transition. 

Our office

Political, Press and Information Section 

The Political, Press and Information Section monitors and analyses political, legal and economic developments in Myanmar and reaches out to political stakeholders, civil society and the media. The section also coordinates the public communication of the European Union in Myanmar. 

Patrick SANDOVAL NICHOLS, Head of Political, Press and Information.


Contact for press inquiries:

Cooperation Section 

The Cooperation Section manages, coordinates and oversees all aspects of the European Union development assistance in Myanmar. 

Virgine LAFLEUR TIGHE, Head of Cooperation Section 


Finance and Contract Section 

The section's main task is to manage and coordinate the procurement and financing of activities of EU development assistance actions in Myanmar. It is also responsible for ensuring that the procedures implemented for financial and contractual management respect EU financial regulations. 

Paulina GAJEWSKA, Head of Finance and Contract Section 


Administration Section 

The section provides the support required for the smooth functioning of the EU Delegation. It is responsible for administrative matters, including personnel, infrastructure and the administrative budget. 

Nouchine MONADJEMI, Head of Administration 


Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection 

The European Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) ensures rapid and effective delivery of EU relief assistance for victims of conflict, violence, epidemics, and natural disasters 

Luc VERNA, Head of ECHO Myanmar Office 
