Ranieri Sabatucci is the Ambassador of the EU to Myanmar.

  • Image
    Ranieri Sabatucci, Ambassador of the EU to Myanmar

    Ranieri Sabatucci, Ambassador of the EU to Myanmar 

Office of the Ambassador 

All Delegation activities are coordinated and overseen from this office. 

Ranieri Sabatucci, Ambassador / Head of Delegation 

Contact:  DELEGATION-MYANMAR-HOD@eeas.europa.eu

Nationality:      Italian
Professional experience:
  •  09.2020 -
  •  Ambassador of the European Union to Myanmar-Yangon


  • 10.2016 | 09.2022
  •  Ambassador of the European Union to the African Union, Addis Ababa - Ethiopia


  • 09.2012 | 10.2016
  • Head of Division for South East Asia and ASEAN at the EU External Action Service (EEAS), Brussels -Belgium


  • 03.2008 | 08.2012
  • Head of Division for the Pacific at the EEAS Brussels Belgium


  • 09.1989 | 02.2008
  • Various positions at the European Commission,including postings in Ethiopia, Tanzania and South Africa


  • 08.1986 | 08.1989
  • Volunteer, Coordinator, Italian Volunteer Service
Academic qualifications:
  • 1979 | 1986
  • M.Sc Agricultural Economics
  • University of Perugia - Italy


  • Trainings at the European Public Management School and Harvard School of Government in Negotiations, Management and Leadership
Language Skills:
  • Italian (Mother tongue)
  • English
  • French