The EU has a longstanding partnership with Mozambique under the ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement. Our close partnership is based on a common agenda looking to promote sustainable development, peace and security, democracy, rule of law and human rights, as well as to address regional goals such as economic integration, and tackle crucial global challenges, such as climate change and terrorism.

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    Antonino Maggiore

    Antonino Maggiore

    Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Mozambique

Message from the EU Ambassador to Mozambique

On September 1st, 2022, I started my mission as the Ambassador of the European Union to Mozambique. I believe many of you are already familiar with this website, a page where you can learn about the long-standing links between the EU and Mozambique, our shared values, EU work and priorities in country, and about our collaboration with the accredited Member States, and local partners and stakeholders.

This is my first assignment as EU Ambassador. Coming from neighbouring Zambia, where I served as the Ambassador of Italy, I am quite familiar with the realities in the region. Being in Mozambique for the next four years will further strengthen my links with Mozambique, this region and the continent. 

The EU and Mozambique are longstanding partners. Our close partnership is based on a common agenda centred on peace, stability and development.  We are also strong supporters of democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the country, as well as of regional goals such as economic integration. We are also working together on tackling crucial global challenges, such as climate change, food security and terrorism.

Mozambique has impressive potential and we are proud that the EU is amongst Mozambique’s most important partners. The EU and the Member States are Mozambique’s largest partners in terms of trade and investment and we are one of the larger supporters of Mozambique’s development needs. The European Union is a strong contributor to the peace process in Mozambique and we are supporting numerous other priorities in the country, including the recovery from climate events, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the integrated approach in response to insecurity in Cabo Delgado, and several interventions coordinated and implemented collectively in a “Team Europe” setting.

Currently, one of our focuses is on Cabo Delgado, where the EU is providing support to the population and the Government in addressing the security challenges through training, capacity building and non-lethal equipment to the Mozambican armed forces. We are also providing significant humanitarian assistance and development support to the northern provinces. In parallel, we are pursuing the Global Gateway with a view to securing a strong, inclusive, green and digital recovery and transformation for Mozambique and the entire continent. These initiaitves are fully compatible with EU´s new cooperation programme with Mozambique (2021 - 2027), directed towards three priority areas, namely: Growing Green, Growing Youth, and Governance, Peace and a Just Society. Constant interaction and dialogue at all levels will be central in this trajectory of working together for common prosperity.

I hope you remain informed about EU activities in Mozambique and do visit our social media channels: FacebookTwitter and Instagram pages. You can also follow and interact with me on Twitter: @MaggioreEU