The EU Ambassador is the Head of the EU Delegation in Laos. EU Ambassadors are appointed by the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission, following the recommendation of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs/Vice-President of the European Commission. EU Ambassadors are either officials from the EU institutions such as the EEAS or they are selected from the diplomatic service of the 27 EU Member States.  

  • Image
    A portrait of Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė, Ambassador/Head of the Delegation.

    Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation.

    Copyright: EU Delegation to Laos.

Message from the Ambassador

Dear visitor, 

I am pleased to welcome you to the European Union Delegation to the Lao PDR website. The EU and Laos established diplomatic relations on 21st November 1975. We have since developed friendly relations and cooperated in various fields in support of the socioeconomic development goals of Laos to promote peace, security and human rights protection. Equally important is promoting the principles of green growth, sustainability, gender equality and women's empowerment. 

In addition to our activities in nutrition, human development, governance and biodiversity conservation we seek to improve political relations, trade and cooperation with Laos for the mutual benefit of the people of Laos and Europeans. The EU works closely with Laos also in the framework of EU – ASEAN cooperation, especially in connectivity, trade and security areas. 

This webpage provides an overview of our various activities in Laos as well as updates about the European Union. I hope that you will find the information useful. I would also like to invite you to follow our accounts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter

If you have any questions or suggestions for us, you are welcome to contact us at

Thank you for visiting! 

Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Laos.