Russia: Statement by the Spokesperson on the actions against investigative journalist Roman Anin


The European Union is concerned about the recent raid, brief detention and interrogation of editor in chief of the independent investigative media outlet iStoriesRoman Anin, who has led numerous journalistic investigations into organized crime and corruption in Russia. It is the duty of media to report on issues of public interest. State authorities should ensure that journalists are able to carry out their legitimate work and not hinder or intimidate them.

Over recent years, we have seen that the situation of media freedom in the Russian Federation is worsening and the space for independent journalism and civil society is shrinking.

We call on the Russian authorities to uphold its international and domestic obligations. Freedom of the media should be respected. The EU will continue to follow the issue closely.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53