Teaming up for Agriculture in Rwanda


Project title: Enhancing the capacity and participation of small scale farmers and civil society organisations in decision-making and governance processes related to sustainable agriculture and food security in Rwanda.

The project seeks to strengthen civil society organisations’ capacity to hold public authorities to account and to promote more inclusive, responsive and transparent governance in Rwanda.


More specifically the project will aim to promote the effective participation of small scale farmers (particularly women) and civil society organisations in the development, implementation and monitoring of agricultural policies and strategies.


The project will take place from August 2018 till July 2021 and is financially supported by the European Union and by the Irish Republic.


Expected results:

Expected targeted beneficiaries

  • 11 040 Individual farmers by increasing knowledge and awareness of agricultural policies and strategies, existing structures for citizen engagement and the benefits of engaging.
  • 92 Communities by supporting existing farmer oriented local structures (Agricultural Committees from village to district level) to deliver strong support to farmers and ensure more effective engagement with them, and by initiating Farmers' Advocacy Groups to catalyse dialogue between communities and local authorities for improved participation of farmers in agricultural policy making.
  • 33 Civil society organisations by enhancing their capacity to conduct policy analysis, budget analysis and monitoring, and evidence-based advocacy, and to engage in relevant fora for dialogue and decision making all levels.
  • Local authorities by increasing their knowledge of agriculture related policies and strategies, their capacity to initiate inclusive and participatory planning processes with farmers, and their ability to carry out a critical analysis of policies and strategies with a smallholder focus.

Key Facts:

Total cost (€): 999 999.75

EU contracted amount (€): 749 999.82

Duration: August 2018 - July 2021

Implementing organisation: Trócaire, Caritas, CCOAIB, IPFG

Funding instrument: DCI - Non State Actors and Local Authorities in development


Testimony: Field activities with agricultural community members in Ruramba