EUCAP celebrated its 9ème anniversary in Mali

On 01 February 2024, EUCAP Sahel Mali and its partners celebrated the ninth year of the Mission's activities in Mali. Held in the courtyard of the Alioune Blondin Beye Peacekeeping School in Bamako, the ceremony was an opportunity to salute this fruitful partnership and present the Mission's activities and achievements. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Minister of Security and Civil Protection, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Keeper of the Seals, ambassadors, heads of Mission and representatives of the international community in Mali.

In his speech, the Head of Mission, Peter Grabow Kolding, praised the efforts of the Member States of the European Union, who remain committed, despite the current challenges, to supporting Mali through EUCAP Sahel Mali.

The Head of Mission also pointed out that the Mission's contributions in Mali are being used to build the capacity of the Internal Security Forces (ISF), the justice system and civil society in the areas of crisis management, border management, the fight against terrorism and transnational organised crime, human resources, logistics, the rule of law and the fight against impunity, by strengthening the inspectorates' actions to ensure the accountability of the ISF.

Mr Kolding also emphasised the Mission's excellent collaboration with its Malian partners, in particular the Ministry of Internal Security and Civil Protection and the Ministry of Justice.

The words of the Head of Mission were backed up by those of Colonel Mamadou Daba Coulibaly, Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Internal Security and Civil Protection, representing the Minister of Security on this occasion: "This Mission has done a great deal of work with us in the following areas: capacity building for the Security Forces, construction and renovation of infrastructure, equipment, support and advice".

Representing the Minister of Justice, Mr Najim Mohamed Maouloud, National Director of Judicial Affairs and Seals, emphasised the fruitful collaboration between the Mission and his ministry. He also expressed the hope that the Mission would continue to work in the future: "We encourage and thank EUCAP for persevering, because everything EUCAP has undertaken with us is a real win-win situation for strengthening the justice system in Mali".

Alongside the ceremony, a tour of the stands set up for the occasion gave the many guests an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the areas of expertise offered by the Mission, such as the detection of false documents, the gathering of evidence at a crime scene and the detection of drugs in a suspect parcel.

During the ceremony, the members of the Mission's staff were thanked for their constant commitment. Some of them were awarded the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy Service Medal in recognition of their work within the Mission.