EUBAM Libya participated in the Ministry of Interior's conference

Jan Vyčítal, Head of EUBAM addressed senior national officials and diplomatic missions to Libya attending a public event organized by the Ministry of Interiors (MoI) to discuss how to improve national security through better management of Libyan borders and measures to better control migration.

HoM Jan Vyčítal

EUBAM reaffirmed the Mission's commitment to support the Libyan authorities in securing their borders and combating cross-border threats. EUBAM expressed strong alignment with the Ministry of Interior's comprehensive border security initiative and readiness to assist in the capacity building activities in close cooperation with MoI agencies.

Minister Trabelsi stressed the danger of uncontrolled immigration and the resulting consequences that have exhausted the Libyan state and could present a serious threat to national security.

The Minister explained the measures taken by his institution to secure national borders in cooperation with neighbouring countries, notably the recently refurbished watchtowers at the border sector with Tunisia. Such work will continue towards including the whole state’s border, he stated.

Trabelsi singled out how the Ministry’s operatives succeeded in preventing many cases of smuggling and human trafficking.  The Minister also highlighted the rescue of many migrants who were stranded at sea and in the desert, in accordance with the principles of humanity of the Islamic religion, according to his words. Trabelsi indicated that work is underway toward the voluntary repatriation of the migrants; he added that the ministry will not allow any presence on Libyan soil outside the applicable laws, as he put it.

The minister is confident that his vision will result in securing the borders, reducing traffickers activities, and combating crime, stressing that all capabilities will be harnessed to secure the national borders and maintain the security of the state, he stated.

Minister Trabelsi pointed out the strategic importance of good governance of the Ras’ Ajdir border crossing point and securing the western border


EUBAM is prepared to enhance infrastructure and equipment at border crossings, particularly on the western border, based on the demand of Libya and technical assessments.

The Mission underlines the importance of collaboration between Libyan authorities, the EU Delegation, and international partners to address cross-border threats.