EUAM Iraq signs two new project agreements with Government of Germany


The two project agreements were signed today in Baghdad by the German Ambassador to Iraq, Dr. Ole Diehl and EUAM Iraq Head of Mission Mr. Christoph Buik.

The funding from the German government will support the implementation of two important projects. The project of ‘’The National Database for Cultural Heritage Protection in Iraq -Phase I’’ will seek to strengthen Iraqi’s capabilities in the fight against organised crime and terrorism and improve cooperation between different national governmental and non-governmental organisations. The protection of cultural heritage links to both the security sector reform agenda and to improving security in Iraq.

The project “Senior Strategic Leadership and Change Management of SSR in MoI Iraq” supports the development and implementation of a professional senior strategic leadership and change management concept of security sector reform (SSR) in the Ministry of Interior (MoI) in Iraq.

- I would like to express my gratitude to the Federal Foreign Office of Germany for their generous support. With this funding, EUAM Iraq will be able to implement two important projects which will strengthen the national capabilities in Iraq, Mr. Buik states.

Two men signing an agreement