MILEX 23 – EU Crisis Management Military Exercise 2023

The EU’s first live exercise is important to build capacity to respond to crises under the Strategic Compass.

Photo: Lt Gen Van der Laan receiving a briefing from Maj Gen Werner Albl, Chief of Staff of the MPCC, at the commencement of MILEX 23.

On Monday 18 September 2023, the Director General European Union Military Staff (DG EUMS) and Director Military Planning and Conduct Capability (D MPCC), Lieutenant General Michiel van der Laan launched the Crisis Management Military Exercise 23 (MILEX 23) at the MPCC Operations Headquarters (OHQ) in Brussels.

The aim of MILEX 23 is to enhance further the EU’s military readiness to respond to external conflicts and crises. The focus of the next five weeks will be on the planning and execution of an autonomous Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Executive Military operations in a hybrid threat environment.

However, this year will see the realisation of the EU’s first Live Exercise (LIVEX) in Spain as part of MILEX 23. The addition of a LIVEX is a new departure within the context of the MILEX series.

It will be the first EU-led LIVEX and is a key component in the development of the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity (RDC). A key deliverable of the EU’s implementation of the Strategic Compass is a fully operational EU RDC by 2025.

Military planning

MILEX 23 will have two connected parts. The first part, which commenced today, consists of a Command Post Exercise (CPX) and will continue until Friday 6 October. This will test the military planning process at the military strategic and operational levels.

The second part is the LIVEX and will take place from Monday 16 October to Sunday 22 October 2023, where the EU Battle Group-sized force consisting of 31 units and 2 800 personnel will deploy in a simulated Theatre of Operations in the province of Cadiz (Spain) and will execute the Operational Plan developed during the CPX.

MILEX 23 is the culmination of almost 14 months of detailed planning and preparation, led by the Concepts and Capabilities Directorate of the EUMS. It will have three different training audiences, and will be represented by 19 EU Member States in various HQ appointments, locations, exercise roles and operational units.

LIVEX significant milestone

HR/VP Joseph Borrell will visit the LIVEX on 17 October. The EU’s Chiefs of Defence, present in Seville for the first ever European Union Military Committee (EUMC) meeting outside Brussels, will visit two days later. Both occasions highlight the importance of the LIVEX as a significant milestone in the EU’s adoption of a RDC.

Speaking at the commencement of the exercise, Lieutenant General Michiel van der Laan stated, ‘For many years the EU has been primarily engaged in Command Post Exercises to enhance the EU military decision-making capacity in response to external conflicts and crisis.

Strategic compass

‘However, the Strategic Compass is instrumental in steering the EU towards embracing live exercises as a crucial element in how we further enhance our readiness, adaptability and versatility in preparing for and responding to future crisis. Live exercises with progressive MPCC involvement are a key element to enhance the readiness and interoperability of the EU RDC and signal Member States’ commitment to proactive crisis management.

‘What we learn from MILEX 23 will be crucial in refining our concepts, identifying gaps and improving operational processes.’