EUAM Iraq met with the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency to discuss current and future cooperation


On 10 August, the Acting Head of Operations Dirk D’hulst and Senior Strategic Adviser John Gustavsson met with senior officials of the Iraqi Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency (FIIA) at their Headquarters in Baghdad.

On 10 August, the Acting Head of Operations Dirk D’hulst and Senior Strategic Adviser John Gustavsson met with senior officials of the Iraqi Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency (FIIA) at their Headquarters in Baghdad.

Since the establishment of EUAM Iraq, the Mission has advised the FIIA in the fields of counterterrorism, organised crime, the recovery of stolen artefacts and on the cooperation with INTERPOL.

The importance of gender quality and gender mainstreaming in the agency’s future activities together with the further development of the first mixed Gender Intelligence Analysis Unit was discussed and highlighted in the meeting. The senior officials of FIIA underlined the need to receive more training on gender-related issues and to attract more female applicants for the analyst positions in the agency.

Additionally, potential future fields of engagement, such as the provision of strategic advice on the National Strategies on Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime and the provision of training on Intelligence Analysis through workshops, were highlighted.

The senior officials of FIIA emphasized their appreciation of the Mission’s readiness to support the agency’s efforts in the struggle against various forms of criminality and assured their commitment for cooperation.

Read more: EUAM Iraq supports the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency to increase the participation of women