The EU extends its Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy until 2027

On 27 May, the EU renewed its commitment to human rights and democracy by extending its Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024 until 2027. In these challenging times, the Action Plan continues to be the compass that guides the EU action on human rights and democracy in its external relations.

The Action Plan guides EU policies and actions to foster human rights and democracy globally. In the face of unprecedented challenges, multiple conflicts, crises, and the pushback against human rights and democracy across the globe, the implementation of the Action Plan is moving forward and its priorities remain valid and relevant.

The extension of the Action Plan until 2027 will align it with the EU budget cycle (i.e. the Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027). This will ensure that relevant thematic and geographic programmes contribute directly to the implementation of the Action Plan, for the remaining period of this budget and for future budgets.

With a renewed sense of urgency, the extension of the Action Plan reconfirms the EU’s commitment to protect and advance human rights and democracy in its external relations, joining efforts with Member States, civil society, human rights defenders, democracy actors and international organizations.

We monitor the implementation of the Action Plan annually in the form of the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World. The 2023 edition was published in the same week of the decision to extend the Action Plan.

Read The Council Conclusions on the extension of the Action Plan

Read the full EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy

Read the 2023 Annual Report on Human rights and Democracy in the World


The EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024 was adopted by the Council in November 2020 and the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation instrument (NDICI) Global Europe Human Rights & Democracy Thematic Programme was adopted in December 2021. A Mid-term Review (MTR) on the implementation of the Action Plan was completed in June 2023.

The MTR confirmed that the Action Plan’s flexible and holistic approach to human rights and democracy responded well to the challenging implementation context. It also noted that its priorities are still valid and should continue to guide the EU action on human rights and democracy in its external relations.

The MTR of the Action Plan highlighted the importance of ensuring the alignment of the Action Plan with the multiannual financial framework (MFF), gathering the support of EU Member States, EU Delegations and Civil Society Organizations consulted in the process of the MTR.

With that in mind, on 27 May the Council of the EU adopted Council Conclusions that align the Action Plan to the Multi-annual financial Framework, thereby extending it until 2027.