EP urgency debates: The situation of human rights defenders in Eswatini, notably the murder of Thulani Maseko

EEAS Press Team

Speech delivered by Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, on behalf of High-Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell  

Check against delivery! 

Madam President, Honourable Members [of the European Parliament], 

The assassination of Thulani Rudolph Maseko, the human rights lawyer and Chairperson of the Multistakeholder Forum (MSF) on 21st January in his house came as a shock to all of us. Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with Mr Maseko’s family, friends and community.  

The European Union has publicly and strongly condemned this despicable act and looks forward to the results of the investigations already launched by the authorities. A speedy, effective, transparent and independent investigation is of paramount importance. 

The Eswatini authorities need to ensure the safety of all its citizens, including political activists and human rights defenders. Civic space must be protected. This tragic loss comes in a row of killings, arson attacks and other violent acts, which have destabilised the country over the past months. 

It is high time that a comprehensive and inclusive dialogue is launched, on terms facilitated by the Southern African Development Community, towards national reconciliation, respect for human rights and the rule of law, and ultimately, lasting peace. 

The European Union has repeatedly raised its strong concerns about the situation in the country through constant engagement, including with His Majesty the King Mswati III, with the Eswatini government and with the Southern African Development Community. The European Union raises the issue of Eswatini systematically in all political dialogues with the Southern African Development Community Member States. Moreover, High-Representative/Vice-President [Josep] Borrell discussed the situation in the country during his recent visit to South Africa and Botswana.  

The European Union supports the Southern African Development Community efforts and equally understands an inclusive national dialogue as a peacebuilding tool. The European Union welcomed the communiqué of the extraordinary Southern African Development Community Troika Summit two weeks ago urging the government of Eswatini to urgently initiate the process of the National Dialogue and urging all stakeholders in the Kingdom of Eswatini to remain calm and participate peacefully in the national dialogue. 

The protracted incarceration and the repeated denial of bail of two members of Eswatini's Parliament is also cause for concern. Their right to a fair trial and due process need to be respected, in line with Eswatini’s national and international obligations. 

With regard to the implementation of the Multiannual Indicative Programme under NDICI Global Europe that was mentioned in this debate, I would like to recall that, following the violence in 2021, it was already decided then that future EU progammes will be designed to directly benefit people at grassroot level, supporting notably the non-governmental organisations. The objective is to boost socio-economic rights that should go hand in hand with the civil and political rights, empowerment of the citizens and vulnerable groups.  

We shall keep monitoring developments in Eswatini, calling on the authorities to fully respect fundamental rights enshrined in their constitution, laws and in international and regional conventions to which they have freely signed to. We will insist on the need to advance democracy, rule of law and respect of human rights for all. This is crucial for the people of Eswatini. 

Thank you. 


Link to the video (starting from 15:37) : https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-236754  

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 2 29 88093
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Jennifer Sánchez Da Silva
Press Officer for International Partnerships/Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
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