The International Monitoring Operation (IMO) welcomes the completion of activities by the assessment committee at the Ombudsperson Office, in the framework of the process for the formation of the vetting institutions. In the course of the past few days, under the close oversight by the team of IMO international observers, the assessment committee has reviewed submissions of certified documents by over hundred applicants.

Without prejudging the final procedural assessment by its international observers, which is currently under preparation, based on the initial findings, the IMO can commend once again the very thorough, accurate and professional work by the assessment committee at the Ombudsperson Office. The scrutiny of certificates submitted by candidates to complete their application dossiers has been carried out attentively, in consistency with the screening exercise that followed the first call, and based on the criteria foreseen in the relevant legislative framework. The IMO also commends the readiness by the Ombudsperson, Mr Igli Totozani, to proceed with timely publication of a consolidated list of candidates who meet the qualification criteria for the various posts in the vetting institutions.

The IMO international observers will now proceed with their independent review of all submitted documents. Once this process is completed, if relevant, an updated reasoned assessment and recommendations will be submitted to the Ombudsperson, for confidential transmission to the Assembly of Albania.

The IMO confirms that preparations have continued to advance also for the deployment of the long term international observers, who will be embedded to the vetting institutions. The launch of the vetting exercise will be of historic relevance for Albania. Citizens across the country deserve a truly independent, efficient, accountable and fully professional judiciary. The re-evaluation of all judges and prosecutors is crucial to reach this objective and shall be launched without further delays. The IMO is working thoroughly to complete its revision of all newly consolidated application dossiers and enable the Parliament to start considering candidates.