Josep Borrell announces senior appointments in the EEAS


Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, announced today three senior appointments in the European External Action Service (EEAS):

Enrique MORA BENAVENTE as Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs, Political Director. He is currently Political Director at the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and previously Head of Cabinet of High Representative / Secretary General of the Council of the European Union Javier Solana.

Stefano SANNINO as Deputy Secretary General for Economic and Global Issues. He is currently Ambassador of Italy to Spain and was previously Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union and Director General for Enlargement in the European Commission.

Charles FRIES as Deputy Secretary General for Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and crisis response. He is currently the Ambassador of France to Turkey and was previously Ambassador of France to Morroco and Secretary General for European Affairs in Paris.

The three Deputy Secretary General will work under the guidance of Secretary General Helga Schmid.

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell wants to further strengthen the European External Action Service to address changing international realities effectively. With the appointments announced today, the EEAS will have a strong and experienced management team to advance the work in implementing the political priorities set by the High Representative/Vice-President.