Women and Youth Leadership Participation (WYLP)

The Women and Youth Leadership and Participation project is a 27-month program whose global objective is to promote women and youth leadership and participation in Zimbabwe. It is being implemented by HIVOS in partnership with the Parliament of Zimbabwe, Women’s Institute for Leadership Development (WILD), and Zimbabwe Gender Commission.



  • Increased capacity of women, youth, civil society organizations (CSOs) and newly elected officials in planning, budgeting, accountability and decision making
  • Strengthened movements, institutions and CSOs advocating for increased participation and leadership of women and youth
  • Enhanced constitutional implementation on women and youth leadership, participation and representation.


Project Achievements

  • Contributed to an increase in youth leadership in Parliament from 6 Members for the 2018 harmonized elections to 35 Members in the 2023 Harmonized Elections. This contribution was accomplished through mentorships and coaching of candidates.
  • In 2023, the project helped capacitate 50 civil society members (42 women and 8 men) for national and City of Bulawayo budget meetings. In line with submissions made, the Government increased funding for the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Ministry  of Women Affairs, Community, and Small and Medium Enterprise Development and the Ministry of Health and Child Care. While in Bulawayo the champions successfully advocated for increased allocations for water and health services.
  • Councilors in Gwanda have improved their budget development process, while in Umzingwane there is an improvement in working relations between directly elected and Proportional Representation Councilors with  testimonies of successful partnerships in the advancement of Council business.