The $294 million project is being funded by the European Union, World Bank, African Development Bank, the government of Sweden and the Zambezi River Authority on behalf of the governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe, through a combination of grants and loans. EU contribution is around EUR 114 million.


The Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project is a fine example of collaboration among the funding partners – the European Union, the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Government of Sweden, the governments of Zambia and Zimbabwe and the Zambezi River Authority.

The Overall Objective of KDRP is to minimise the risk of failure of the Kariba Dam. To do so, the project is supporting the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) in carrying out the rehabilitation of the Kariba Dam through the stabilisation of its plunge pool and refurbishment of its spillway. Once the works are completed, the stability and proper functioning of the Kariba Dam will be ensured: the installed generation capacity of 2,130 MW will be maintained in the long term, while the risk of dam failure will be downgraded.

The project has three distinct separate components, funded by different co-financing partners:

(i) Component 1: Institutional support .

(ii) Component 2: Plunge Pool reshaping – Excavating the downstream end of the plunge pool would increase its size and reduce the pressure that the spilling water exerts on its base, thereby slowing the erosion of the rock floor.

(iii) Component 3: Refurbishment of the spillway – Continuous monitoring by experts has resulted in the recommendation that the six spillway gates be refurbished to ensure their continued full operability in the long term.