Zambia participates in the World Clean Up Day


On World Clean Up Day, 21 September, in the margins of the global #EUBeachCleanup, staff and families of the European Union Delegation in Zambia and some EU Member States joined the Bauleni community in the outskirts of Lusaka to recycle valuable waste and clean-up the municipality. The campaign was organised together with the Bauleni non-governmental organisation 'In & Out of the Ghetto', local schools, Let's Do It Zambia, the German, Swedish and Finnish Embassies and other partners.

Over 250 participants including the EU Ambassador Designate HE Jacek Jankowski, EU Chargé d'Affaires Robert De Raeve and various EU Member States Heads of Mission joined this initiative in support of World Clean Up Day 2019. The Chargé d'Affaires quoted: "The aim is to minimise the waste of valuable resources, as the production of plastic requires precious resources such as water, energy and fossil raw material. Therefore, we are using re-usable maize bags to collect the trash rather than single use plastic trash bags today." The event further involved several Zambian recycling companies, aiming to educate the community, particularly the youth, on the separation of waste. It emphasised the importance of a "Circular Economy" that aims at closing the loop of products and material lifecycles through re-use of materials to the benefit of both, the environment and the Zambian economy. This will help Zambia to use its valuable natural resources sustainably and in a more efficient way. For further information on the EU participation in the World Clean Up Day in Zambia, please contact: Friedrich MAHLER -