Press Release NEWZA Signing Ceremony: Driving Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions in Zambia

[Livingstone, Zambia, 21 May 2024] — The Nexus Energy and Water Programme for Zambia (NEWZA) officially launches today in Livingstone. This launch marks a significant milestone in collaboration with the Zambian government, the European Union, Germany, UNICEF, and local water utilities. NEWZA aims to improve the operational and financial performance of water utilities through advanced technologies and sustainable practices.

Designed to transform the water and energy management landscape in Zambia, NEWZA will upgrade and expand existing water systems with cutting-edge digital and renewable energy technologies and establish new, sustainable infrastructures tailored for the most vulnerable communities.

NEWZA Launch in Livingstone, Zambia 2024

Funded by the EU with EUR 58.3 million, Germany (EUR 49.8 million through BMZ), and UNICEF (EUR 10 million), with a total budget of EUR 118.1 million, NEWZA aims to transform the operational and financial performance of five major water utilities across Zambia —including Eastern, Southern, Central, Copperbelt, Northern, and Muchinga provinces. This project will support the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals and empower communities by improving their access to essential services.

NEWZA Launch in Livingstone, Zambia 2024

EU Ambassador H.E. Karolina Stasiak emphasised the programme's collaborative nature: “NEWZA will bring a real transformation to water and energy management in Zambia. We will support water utilities in upgrading technologies and adopting more sustainable practices with reduced environmental impact. Most importantly, access to water is a human right, and NEWZA has this at heart. We will work with partners to support reliable access to clean water and energy services for Zambian communities, which will also boost their economic opportunities. I am excited to launch this model example of transformative cooperation between the government and international partners today.”

Mr Henri Heikura, UNICEF Deputy Representative, added: “Today's launch is not just the beginning of a programme, but a commitment to the children, women, and marginalised communities of Zambia. It is a pledge to work tirelessly to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment. UNICEF is thrilled to work hand in hand with the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the European Union to improve water service delivery and promote sanitation and hygiene.”

NEWZA Launch in Livingstone, Zambia 2024

For the German partners, Tom Woyack, on behalf of KfW, expressed pride in creating a reliable, cost-effective, climate-resilient water supply for Zambia as part of Team Europe and the utility team. GIZ country director Axel Ulmer added: “Our commitment extends beyond infrastructure. NEWZA and its partners adopt a holistic approach, integrating human rights-based and gender-transformative principles across all intervention areas. By increasing the resilience of local communities to climate change and enhancing the capacities and skills of the national institutions and water utilities, we ensure that our efforts are not only impactful but also sustainable in the long term.”

NEWZA Launch in Livingstone, Zambia 2024

NEWZA is a flagship initiative under the EU Global Gateway strategy. Global Gateway is the EU's approach to boosting smart, clean, and secure links in the digital, energy, and transport sectors and strengthening health, education, and research systems worldwide. It aims to offer a sustainable and values-based alternative for infrastructure development on a global scale.

For more information, please contact:

Mainza Kawanu, Communication Officer, UNICEF Zambia: ; +260 969100157.

Mweemba Nchimunya, Press & Information Officer, EU Delegation to Zambia & COMESA: ; +260 970007092