The EU Green Nexus Programme: Building Resilience to Drought in Zambia for World Environment Day 2024

Discover how the EU Green Nexus Programme is tackling drought resilience in Zambia by integrating agriculture, water management, and climate action for a sustainable future.



World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5th each year, is a global platform to raise awareness and take action on pressing environmental issues. The theme for 2024, "Ecosystem Restoration: Revive Our Drylands," focuses on rejuvenating arid landscapes that are crucial for sustaining biodiversity, agriculture, and human livelihoods. This theme is especially pertinent to Zambia, where drought poses significant challenges. This World Environment Day 2024 urgently focuses on drought and its far-reaching impacts, particularly in regions like Zambia, where climate change exacerbates water scarcity and threatens livelihoods.

The Impact of Drought in Zambia

Due to climate change, Zambia's droughts are becoming more severe. These droughts affect water availability, agricultural productivity, and food security. Revitalizing drylands is essential to maintaining the health of ecosystems that support biodiversity and human communities.

The EU Green Nexus Programme takes a holistic approach to addressing drought and climate change in Zambia. The programme aims to restore ecosystems, uplift communities, and ensure a sustainable future by promoting integrated natural resource management.

Connecting Dots Between Nature and Society

The EU Green Nexus Programme is designed to promote and invest in green recovery and sustainable growth along the agriculture-forestry-biodiversity-water and climate nexus, aiming at job creation. The concept of "nexus" in this context refers to the interconnected nature of environmental sustainability, economic development, and social well-being.

The core objective of the programme is to create a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive development pathway for Zambia. By promoting integrated landscape management, it aims to:

  • Enhance ecosystem resilience and biodiversity.
  • Improve water management and availability.
  • Foster sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Support economic growth through green jobs.

The programme adopts an integrated landscape approach, which means it focuses on developing and implementing policies and legislation that encourage sustainable land use and natural resource management across various sectors. By promoting coordination and strengthening capacities, the programme aims to improve land use planning, increase resilience to climate change, and ensure sustainable management of natural resources.

Integrating Solutions for a Sustainable Future

The EU Green Nexus Programme, is at the heart of the European Union’s Global Gateway strategy in Zambia to promote partnerships for a resilient, sustainable and inclusive development in Zambia. This action brings together Team Europe’s funding and expertise of the Czech Development Agency, GIZ – German Cooperation, the World Food Programme, Agence Française de Développement, and Sweden.

The Green Nexus uses a cohesive, innovative landscape approach to enhance integrated management of Zambia’s natural resources in agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, water, and climate. The programme partners with leading Zambian institutions and includes and empowers communities, with particular attention to women and youth. The Green Nexus Programme adopts technology for lasting environmental and economic benefits. Through the Green Nexus Programme, the EU and its partners demonstrate a committed investment in Zambia’s future, aligning local actions with global ambitions for a more sustainable and inclusive development path.

Green Partnerships and Investments

Central to the programme's success are its green partnerships and investments. These collaborations are not just about financial inputs but also about sharing knowledge, technology, and best practices. By fostering these green partnerships, Zambia is leveraging global expertise to drive local sustainable development and economic growth.

Climate-Resilient Transition

A key objective of the programme is facilitating Zambia's transition to a climate-resilient economy. This involves implementing adaptive measures and sustainable practices that prepare communities and ecosystems to withstand and recover from the impacts of climate change. It's a forward-thinking approach that prioritises long-term environmental health and stability.

Why It Matters

The health of our environment directly impacts our quality of life. By taking care of natural resources, we not only protect the planet but also boost the economy and create jobs. The EU Green Nexus Programme's holistic approach ensures that environmental care goes hand in hand with economic growth, benefiting everyone, especially the most vulnerable groups.