‘Count Me In’ - Podcast for International Women's Day 2024 in Zambia


Our esteemed guests include Her Excellency Karolina Stasiak, the EU Ambassador to Zambia and COMESA, Christine Chama, Commissioner at the Human Rights Commission and advocate for Persons with Disabilities, and Ruth Kangwa, Founder of Girls Gone Political and one of Zambia’s Top 30 under 30. They will share their personal journeys, achievements, and perspectives on what it means to truly inspire inclusion.

Tune in to hear from these remarkable women as they discuss the importance of gender equality, the state of women's empowerment in Zambia, and the steps needed to create a more inclusive society. 

Audio file

Podcast Highlights:

  • Introduction and Overview: The EU Ambassador to Zambia, Her Excellency Karolina Stasiak, shared the vision and objectives behind the "Count Me In" campaign, emphasizing the EU's commitment to promoting gender equality and youth empowerment.

  • Personal Journeys and Achievements: Christine Chama and Ruth Kangwa shared their personal stories, highlighting their incredible work and achievements in advocating for women's rights and inclusion in Zambia.

  • Understanding Gender Equality: The discussion delved into the true meaning of gender equality and debunked common myths, stressing its importance for societal progress.

  • State of Gender Equality & Women Empowerment in Zambia: Our guests explored the key milestones Zambia has achieved and identified areas needing further improvement to achieve gender parity.

  • Challenges and Barriers: The podcast addressed the significant challenges women face, including breaking the glass ceiling, gaining economic power, and combating gender-based violence, and discussed strategies to overcome these obstacles.

  • Looking Ahead: The conversation concluded with actionable steps to close the gender gap, encouraging youth participation and inclusivity, and fostering a collaborative effort for a brighter future.

  • VOX POPS: The show included voices from the streets of Zambia, sharing their views on gender equality and ways men can support women's empowerment.


This International Women's Day, the EU in Zambia came together for a powerful and inspiring podcast, "Count Me In," broadcasted on ZNBC. The show featured insightful discussions on gender equality and youth empowerment, marking a significant step towards a more inclusive and equitable society in Zambia.

EU in Zambia, 2024

The podcast began with the EU Ambassador to Zambia, Her Excellency Karolina Stasiak, sharing the vision and objectives behind the "Count Me In" campaign. She emphasised the EU's commitment to promoting gender equality and youth empowerment. The conversation then transitioned into personal stories from Christine Chama and Ruth Kangwa, who highlighted their incredible work and achievements in advocating for women's rights and inclusion in Zambia. The discussion covered the state of gender equality and women's empowerment in Zambia, exploring key milestones achieved and identifying areas needing further improvement to achieve gender parity.

Count Me in Zambia

Ruth Kangwa

The podcast addressed significant challenges women face, including breaking the glass ceiling, gaining economic power, and combating gender-based violence. The guests shared strategies to overcome these obstacles, providing a comprehensive view of the efforts needed to advance gender equality.

Looking ahead, the conversation concluded with actionable steps to close the gender gap, encouraging youth participation and inclusivity, and fostering a collaborative effort for a brighter future. The show also featured voices from the streets of Zambia, sharing their views on gender equality and ways men can support women's empowerment.

Count Me in Zambia

Christine Chama

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in saying, "Count Me In" for a more inclusive Zambia!