Support to Youth's Entrepreneurship and Financial Inclusion


Contribute to the stabilization of the country by creating conditions for youth economic empowerment to prevent the radicalization and recruitment of youth into militant groups, and ensuring their financial inclusion by readying established MSMEs for loans using one phase of grants.

Specific Objectives of the Action 

  • Ensuring that young women and men are more aware and equipped with the skills, knowledge and support to better provide for their own livelihoods by starting businesss and accessing microfinance 
  • Ensuring that young women and men have better access to finance to start/recover business and create jobs 
  • Ensuring that the country's youth is less vulnerable to radicalization through economic development 

EU Contribution 



March 2018-March 2021

Implementing Partner

Silatech and Al-Amal Microfinance Bank (AMB) 

Funding Instrument 

Development and Cooperation Instrument