Statement on UN truce expiration in Yemen

The Delegation of the European Union issues the following statement together with the diplomatic missions of the EU Member States accredited to Yemen

Heads of Mission of the European Union and its Member States accredited to Yemen are extremely concerned by the failure to extend the truce on 2 October as proposed by UNSE Grundberg. The Houthis’ maximalist demands have not facilitated the task.

The truce has delivered tangible benefits to the Yemeni people, including a substantial decrease of civilian casualties, providing Yemen the longest period of relative calm in more than seven years; as well as over 1M metric tons of fuel through the port of Hodaydah; and the possibility for more than 21,000 Yemenis to fly internationally from Sana’a.

UNSE Grundberg’s truce proposal offers the possibility of enhancing the truce’s impact, including payment of salaries to civil servants, additional flights to and from Sana’a, unfettered oil shipments through the port of Hodaydah and, importantly, the reopening of roads, notably around Taiz. This would improve the life of millions of Yemenis.

A return to armed conflict would result in indescribable suffering for Yemeni women, men and children, and would exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation in the country. This is not what Yemenis want, or deserve.

We urge the parties to heed UNSE Grundberg’s call for calm and restraint while negotiations continue, avoiding unhelpful acts. We are gravely concerned by Houthis’ unacceptable threats to attack oil companies and commercial shipping operating in neighboring countries. We urge in particular the Houthis to moderate their demands and to engage constructively with UNSE Grundberg so that the truce can continue and develop into an effective cease-fire, paving the way for a comprehensive process leading to peace in Yemen. The country needs peace, the region too.