EU diplomats visit Aden to express support for government and people of Yemen


Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the EU Delegation to Yemen Marion Lalisse, Ambassador of France to Yemen Jean-Marie Safa, Ambassador of Germany to Yemen Hubert Jaeger, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Yemen Peter Derrek Hof and the Special Envoy of Sweden for Yemen Peter Semneby, visited Yemen’s interim capital Aden on 26 - 28 October.

The EU diplomats held constructive meetings with Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalek Saeed, Foreign Minister Ahmed Bin Mubarak and other government officials, including the Governor of Aden, various political actors, civil society, women representatives, the Chamber of Commerce, the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights, and humanitarian actors. 

The EU diplomats welcomed the presence of the Yemeni government in the temporary capital Aden and expressed their support to the efforts of the government to restore State functions.

The delegation encouraged the government to improve economic policies, fight against corruption and deliver services to Yemenis across the country. They shared their deep concern about the economic hardship faced by the Yemeni population, notably the accelerating depreciation of the Yemeni Riyal. They urged the government to take concrete steps to tangibly alleviate the suffering of the people of Yemen.

The EU diplomats reiterated their continued support to the efforts of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen to achieve peace by means of an inclusive political dialogue leading to a comprehensive political settlement. 

The EU and its Member States are among Yemen’s top donors, providing both humanitarian aid and development cooperation. The visit underscored the EU’s continued commitment to Yemen, its future and that of its people.