EU Statement under Any Other Business on the Situation in the Middle East, IAEA Board of Governors, 7 June 2024


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union.

The EU recalls its Council Conclusions of March 2024 in all their elements, and reiterates its commitment to work with partners to end the crisis in Gaza without delay and implement UN Security Council Resolution 2728, including through reaching an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages, as well as providing full, rapid, safe and unhindered access to humanitarian aid at scale for Palestinians in need. The EU remains firmly committed to a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution and to reviving a political process, including through the Peace Day initiative and a Peace Conference to be convened as soon as possible. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the EU and (Ministers of Foreign Affairs of) several Arab States discussed the way ahead at the EU Foreign Affairs Council on 27 May. The EU calls on regional actors to refrain from any action that can further aggravate the situation.

 We recall our condemnation of Hamas in the strongest possible terms for its brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks across Israel on 7 October 2023, and recognise Israel’s right to defend itself in line with international law and international humanitarian law. The EU further stresses the importance of respecting and implementing the 26 January 2024 order of the International Court of Justice, which is legally binding.

We commend the strong efforts of the UN and all humanitarian actors to deliver lifesaving aid in extremely dire conditions. In response to the humanitarian crisis, the EU has mobilised all its crisis response tools to channel aid to Gaza, and has significantly increased its funding to humanitarian partners. The EU will continue supporting those civilians most in need.

Thank you, Chair.