EU Right of Reply at the 21st Annual Regular Meeting of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC) as delivered on 30 May 2022

EU Right of Reply

Hague Code of Conduct

Annual Regular Meeting

Vienna, 30-31 May 2022


Mr Chair,

  1. The EU denounces the unacceptable allegations by the Russian Federation towards Ukraine [, the EU and its Member States] and declares the EU's full support for and solidarity with Ukraine.
  2. We strongly condemn the Russian Federation's strategy of disinformation and information manipulation and urge Russian officials to immediately cease spreading such unfounded accusations.
  1. We find it particularly disturbing that the Russian Federation, as part of the propaganda that paved the way for its military aggression against Ukraine, continues to spread false information.
  1. The EU reiterates its unwavering support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. We stand firmly by Ukraine’s side.
  1. The EU remains deeply concerned over recorded flights of Russian cruise missiles over Ukrainian territory and call on Russia to cease such reckless actions, which threaten regional and international peace and security. We call on Russia to abide by the Code and its General Measures, in particular par. c, which urges Subscribing States “to exercise maximum possible restraint in the development, testing and deployment of Ballistic Missiles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction, including, where possible, to reduce national holdings of such missiles, in the interest of global and regional peace and security”.

Thank you.