Piero Damosso wins the fifth edition of the Ambassadors to the Holy See Literary Award. Rocco De Stefano received a special mention for the Emerging Writer.


Piero Damosso, with the book Può la Chiesa fermare la guerra? Un’inchiesta a sessant’anni dalla Pacem in Terris [Can the Church stop the war? An investigation sixty years after Pacem in Terris], published in 2023 by San Paolo, is the winner of the fifth edition of the Ambassadors to the Holy See Literary Award. This was decided by the Award Jury, chaired by the Ambassadors to the Holy See of the European Union and Italy, and composed of the Ambassadors of Albania, Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Lithuania, North Macedonia, the Order of Malta, Portugal and Uruguay, after examining the over 40 candidate books.

The Jury appreciated the relevance of the theme covered in the volume which, sixty years after the publication of the encyclical "Pacem in terris" by Pope John XXIII, questions the role of the Church in the face of conflicts, and the method of investigation and analysis used by Damosso who, through over fifty interviews, proposes a reflection on peace, on its meaning in history and in the immediate future. The Church, despite not having the real power to stop conflicts, can call the universal human conscience to act to break down the walls of hatred and enmity, indicating brotherhood as a safe perspective of justice, solidarity, inclusion and care of the earth. Through his investigation, the author also highlights how the power of the prayer of the people of God can generate courageous plans for meeting and negotiation.

Among the novelties of this edition of the Ambassadors to the Holy See Literary Award, there is the assignment of a special mention for an Emerging Writer which the Award Jury decided to assign to Rocco De Stefano with the book “L’influencer di Dio” [The Influencer of God] published by Tau Editrice. Through a light and flowing narrative that combines the sacred and the profane, the author - in his first novel - invites us to reflect on faith and the search for spirituality.

premio ambasciatori

The Award, born five years ago from the initiative of a group of Ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, is aimed at authors of books published in Italian and intended for the general public on topics relating to Christian culture and values, relations between Christian Churches and States, the history of the Churches and interreligious dialogue.

The award ceremony for the winning book will be held at Palazzo Borromeo, home of the Italian Embassy to the Holy See, on Tuesday 2 July at 5pm, with the participation of the Secretary of State, Card. Pietro Parolin.