Remarks by Ambassador Lambrinidis: UN High Level Political Forum Side Event on Uniting Forces: Integrating Science, Policy, and Society to achieve Zero Hunger

10 July 2024, New York - Opening remarks by H.E. Ambassador Stavros Lambrinidis, Head of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations, at the 2024 HLPF Side Event on Uniting Forces: Integrating Science, Policy, and Society to achieve Zero Hunger


Distinguished Delegates, Esteemed Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our goal is Zero Hunger. And today, we will further galvanize our determination and our means to achieve it.

This event highlights our shared commitment to eradicate hunger and achieve the sustainable development goals, with a focus on SDG2. But today, a big thank you is also due to the Food and Agriculture Organization and to the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs for helping us bring Science, Policy, and Society integration into this noble fight.

In a year marked by persistent challenges to food security and nutrition, exacerbated by geopolitical tensions and conflicts, high food prices, declining soil health, and climate and environmental degradation, the continuous backsliding of SDG 2 has to stop. Nearly 800 million people worldwide are suffering from hunger, and the number of those suffering from malnutrition  is also on the rise.

I cannot emphasize enough the need for urgent action to help the most vulnerable, and to support countries in developing the resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems needed to feed the hungry, create decent jobs, and improve livelihoods. All this is essential for achieving zero hunger and for committing to the principle of leaving no one behind.

Science and policy integration is key for the sustainable transformation of food systems and the eradication of hunger, while preserving the environment. Through our own Farm to Fork Strategy, we have emphasized just that, with evidence-based policy making, research and innovation, and holistic approaches at the center of our agricultural policy. We strive to ensure that we make decisions based on a foundation of scientific evidence and research, as key drivers for developing sustainable agricultural practices, enhancing food safety, improving nutrition, and building resilience and sustainable supply chains.

The EU is also emphasizing this approach in our external development efforts. Through Global Gateway, we are strengthening research & development infrastructure. Indeed, we are actively funding research and innovation projects aimed at developing sustainable agricultural practices and new technologies to enhance productivity and resilience in food systems. Through a “Team Europe” approach, we are leveraging integrated efforts from the EU’s 27 Member States, financial institutions, and the private sector to implement transformative projects in the digitalization of agriculture, in enhancing climate resilience, in ensuring sustainable food production systems, and in improving connectivity.

That said, achieving Zero Hunger cannot be accomplished through governments and international organizations alone. Today, we will also discuss the importance of a multistakeholder approach. This cannot be understated. The active participation of civil society and local communities will be fundamental to our efforts to achieve zero hunger.

We are looking forward to hearing the key findings and recommendations of the SDG 2 Expert Groups Meeting. I am here to assure you that we will take these into full consideration as we continue to take urgent action.

Dear friends: Our goal is to achieve Zero Hunger! We will reaffirm our commitment to help the most vulnerable, eradicate hunger, and leave no one behind. And we will ensure that scientific and community engagement will turbo-charge our efforts. That is both a steadfast commitment, and a promise!

Thank you.